Na kataloigw na sou grafw Pempti, ahari mera, tis Magdalinis tis Myroforou, entos tis akyrwsis tou hnwtou mou me ton athetimeno logo, afou prospathisa ta matia sou to vrady na gyrisw, Pempti mesimeri, kali wra, tis astohias kai tou perigelou mia vdomada kai enas minas, antilamvanwmenos tin timwria tou fantasmatos pou agnoisa, tou fantasmatos pou me monous syggeneis efera eis peras, agnwontas perifronitika tin mi yli, ohi tin aniliki aylotita, to aithrio mias allis, allwte vradias, kai enos Avgoustou pou stoiheiwnei to kormi mou, ma tin mi yli tis egefalikis logikotitas pou ntythika kai vgika exw, pou ntythika nyhta kai vgika, 'cause I want to see people and I want to see lights. Den enagalizetai -poso mallon angaliazetai- o hronos pou afierwmenos sou harisa, akoma kai se xena kormia, se xena mpoukalia, se nea matia kai nees syntrives (syllavista o Enaretos efere eis peras to glykoharama pou ton etrefe me tin frasi "Kathe mia mia nea efkairia, Kathe mia mia nea syntrivi", etsi hwris telies, ma m'arhes) afou ta panta afiknywntan sto ginwmeno ap' to fantasma pou twra plirwnw. Stin zesti tou Mai, Maybe, kai xereis esy poso latrevw tin antigrafi, tin logoklopi, akoma kai apo tin ekfora tis prwimis idonis tou keimenou, tin klopi diladi tis eaytistikis ekforas tou narkissismou mou, otan i melissa skarfalwnei to throumpi kai to thymari, isws ara, ekei, i ekfora itan to here, pou twra hreonome here, apo here eidiko mou, i prosdiorisi tou aimatos, i taytopoiesi tou diafragmatos kai tis mesis kai katw ap' to laimo anatomias.
Tha antistrafw kai me tis liges lexeis mou, ane thes, tha me vreis koukouli.
Den ehw alles gefseis na riskarw.
*Antreas Christophedis
A kind of a "dangerous supplement", marked, scarred on a body, post-orgasmically, always, already in anticipation of (a) crisis OR for a desert avec 'agape'. Mindb(l)ogg(l)ing Noise. "Avalanche, would you share my last pursuit?" (Baudelaire)
Thursday, July 22, 2004
Friday, July 16, 2004
another morning, another scar

'Now some say he's doing
The obituary mambo
And some say he's hanging on the wall
Perhaps this yarn's the only thing
That holds this man together
Some say he was never here at all' - Tom Waits, Swordfishtrombones
Thursday, July 15, 2004
"Nothing that ever happened should be regarded as lost for history."

I istoria einai to antikeimeno mias domis tis opoias o khwros den einai o omoigenes, kenos hronos, ma o hronos o gematos me tin parousia tou twra [Jetztzeit]
Lian sintomos tha anakoinwthei kai i koinopioisi tis pioisis tou elahistou hartinou here eis ta Kypria gia ton vadizwn monodromimenes stoes, panoramata kai Napolitanika sokakia - ton pa|pou tou blog (pou allou, se poio allo here diladi, einai regina to Jetztzeit tou Benjamin pia?)- tou hartinou hartwmatos, tin episimopioisi diladi, tis porias tou a pros ton erwn erwta, to smiximo tou ombiou. Anameinate ara erwn eis tas othones kai eis ta gnwsta oino-alkoolo-kafe-psaro-khwritiria. Pros to paron
Wednesday, July 14, 2004
Tuesday, July 13, 2004
... / Debris d'humanite pour l'eternite murs!
With my mind set on a moving violation
Not least, for Orestis and Sotos
[Eros oudama pilnatai | optais amme]:
And all the tales of Oisin says but this:
That man doth pass the net of days and hours.
Where time is shrivelled down to time's seed corn
We of the Ever-living, in that light
Meet through our veils and whisper, and of love.
O smoke and shadow of a darkling world,
These, and the rest, and all the rest we knew.
'Tis not a game tat plays at mates and mating,
'Tis not a game of barter, lands and houses,
'Tis not "of days and nights" and troubling years,
Of cheeks grown sunken and glad hair gone gray;
There is the subtle music, the clear light
Where time burns back about th' eternal embers.
We are not shut from all the thousand heavens:
Lo, there are many gods whom we have seen,
Folk of unearthly fashion, places splendid,
Bulwarks of beryl and of chrysoprase.
Saphire Benacus, in thy mist and thee
Nature itself's turned metaphysical,
Who can look on that blue and not believe?
Search not my lips, O Love, let go my hands,
This thing that moves as man is no more mortal.
If thou hast seen my shade sans character,
If thou hast seen that mirror of all moments,
That glass to all things that o'ershadow it,
Call not that mirror me, for I have slipped
Your grasp, I have eluded.
Ezra Pound, The Flame
[Eros oudama pilnatai | optais amme]:

And all the tales of Oisin says but this:
That man doth pass the net of days and hours.
Where time is shrivelled down to time's seed corn
We of the Ever-living, in that light
Meet through our veils and whisper, and of love.
O smoke and shadow of a darkling world,
These, and the rest, and all the rest we knew.
'Tis not a game tat plays at mates and mating,
'Tis not a game of barter, lands and houses,
'Tis not "of days and nights" and troubling years,
Of cheeks grown sunken and glad hair gone gray;
There is the subtle music, the clear light
Where time burns back about th' eternal embers.
We are not shut from all the thousand heavens:
Lo, there are many gods whom we have seen,
Folk of unearthly fashion, places splendid,
Bulwarks of beryl and of chrysoprase.
Saphire Benacus, in thy mist and thee
Nature itself's turned metaphysical,
Who can look on that blue and not believe?
Search not my lips, O Love, let go my hands,
This thing that moves as man is no more mortal.
If thou hast seen my shade sans character,
If thou hast seen that mirror of all moments,
That glass to all things that o'ershadow it,
Call not that mirror me, for I have slipped
Your grasp, I have eluded.
Ezra Pound, The Flame
Monday, July 12, 2004
Nil Nil
Afou san ton Hamlet monologw entos mou to 'All is not well', stin zesti tis apnois Khoras, me ton thoryvo 'toso' (leme twra) pou na apotrepei tin katavithisi, daneizomenos ton kranoihto fako tou Don Paterson psahnw to score, to apanthisma -kai ohi to apotelesma- opou his suffocated voice resumes / its dreary innuendo: /there are other ways to leave the room / than the door and the window, synkrevatwmeno plithos tou 1991, tou 1996, tou 1998 -me to soundtrack sou, still, na min katalietai (gia poso kairo akoma tha anavlizeis paranalwma;)- Twra pou o nous apagorevetai kai oi wres den gyrizoun, ki etsi menoun uncredited, mi hreomenes, here [thymomaste, thymomaste - tou Benjamin eggonia den eimaste, tin klironomia tou den lygourevomaste san asimwma se gamo 'one-off', methysmenes nyhtes stous epipedous eautokinitodromous tou Skourtikou Bar: Pou na exigw ston kathe malaka oti gia mena to bar einai isihastirio, therapeutirio, diaskedastirio, erwteutirio kai chrimatistirio.- mono ti krima ti krima ti krima pou to 'neolliniko bar- kati pou ontws didramatise simantiko rolo stin diamorfwsi tou metahountikou fronimatos' (K. Papagiwrgis) oute axinostrafa, oute metamorfwmeno oute eide tous eidikous mas post-1974 dromous-) katevenw tin Parthenonos, strivw dexia stin Verdi kai stekw mpros ap'ta misa kai ap'ta teleftaia spitia, ta spitia ta isopala, me to kokkino vivlviaraki, me to galazio vivliaraki, me to mbez vivliaraki, me to mble vivliaraki, me to lefko vivliaraki, ta vivliarakia stenografimenwn katathesewn, kai agnantevw ta kathilwmena aeroplana.
A hundred times we've had the chance
to leave, but stick together;
now there's a dead ache in my joints
like a terrible change in the weather.
A hundred times we've had the chance
to leave, but stick together;
now there's a dead ache in my joints
like a terrible change in the weather.
Sunday, July 11, 2004
Friday, July 09, 2004

The hell of Northern Paris - Roubaix
The Cote d'Azur and Saint Tropez
The Alps and the Pyrenees
Last stage Champs-Elysees
Galibier and Tourmalet
Dancing even on the top
Bicycling at high gear
Final sprint at the finish
Flat tire on the paving-stones
The bicycle is repaired quickly
The peloton is regrouped
Comrades and friendship
Kraftwerk 'Tour De France 03'
Tuesday, July 06, 2004
Thou restless, ungathered; drwmena resta
Moaneth alway my mind's lust
That I fare forth, that I afar hence
Seek out a foreign fastness
That I fare forth, that I afar hence
Seek out a foreign fastness
Monday, July 05, 2004
1/ theografia

N.B. Parakaleite o kyrios christos hadjigiannis na fwnaxei to synthima to opoion emeteferen eis eme o aderfos mou epses (jeinon pou eshei na kamei -intertextually- me to europaiko orama (vision) tou polypathous apoktinwmenou politismikou pterygiou eis to opoin episis anoikwmen. Oi gia tipote allo, ma para mono gia tin daktylodeixi tis stithografias, tis pneumonologias tis seiomenis - o men eklwthetoun, o de evouran.
Ate jai kanei me to euro (eshei tour de france twra)-!
Friday, July 02, 2004
Ooh la la! (or OCLV, if you may)

(fysika gia synaisthimatikous kai aisthitikous logous egw eimai me tin Bianchi - alla twra na doume)
Ate pale re "GamOTO" *! (Aformi Voitha)

Aidonolalie stithos mou prin to spathi se shisei D. Solwmos
Hronika tiariasta ws motto apo kai stin "Tyhi Defteri" (tou KarOUZOU vevaiws vevaiws) ma jai credo pleon gia allo ena mat-ch, peran tis perigrafikis idiotitas pou prosdidetai se totutin tin "Nea Prosefhi", pou epithymei stithoi aihmira m' aiwnio kalesma / plymirismena nyhta kai onomatizei akrivws tin zali (to CNN eipen to prwi: 'And if you are Greek - what on earth are you doing up this time of the day watching this show? You should be in bed nursing that massive hangover.') pou omws idi arhise na vrwma psofio me ta tilegrafimata, tis proskliseis, tis anakoinwseis, tous parthenwnes, ta kallimarmara kai tous promahwnes (alla here toy-la-histon o erwtas einai katavythismenos ston ourano kai tin asfalto kai tanapalin, grizoprasini peskandritsa prwinou tharous kai kataidrwmenes kleidwseis ton katw kai ton anw akrwn - f(t)ou! na min vaskanthoume)Ta oneira vlastoi stos stithos / klimata mesa stin kardia / diaiwnia ekdikountai to hwma / skotwnoun emas..
*O monolektikos titlos tis ellinikis athlitikis efimeridas To Fws simera.
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