Winston Churchill, 14 July 1941
He thought he said goodbye, nomize pws eihe pei antio, pws tis eihe pei antio, ekei stin stasi tou leofwreiou, to vrady, to vrady tou tragoudiou tou ap' ta palia, prin tin Athina, panta prin tin Athina, opws allwste ola tou ta antio, nomize pws tis eihe pei antio, "antio", ekeino to vrady, ena antio pou tis to xanape meta, sto spiti, pio meta, sto spiti to gemmato me alkool, sto spiti, sto spiti to gemato me vivlia, opws alleste ola ta spitia, nomize pws ki ekei tis eihe pei antio, ekei ekino to apogevma, ki an ohi ekei, to kalokairi, to kalokairi, tis to eihe pei "antio", kai as etrehe apo 'dw ki apo 'kei, tis to 'he pei, "antio", ki efyge, to kalokairi, legwntas tis antio, meta to tragoudi, meta apo 'keino to vrady, ekei stin stasi tou leofwreiou, prin tin Athina, tin Athina twn filwn tou, tin Athina tou tote, tou alkool, tou amerista poly alkool, tou assylogistou alkool, tou alkool tis Athinas, pou omoio tou pote den itan ton alkool tou Londinou, to alkool twn spitiwn tou Londinou, oute kai to alkool ekeinou tou Mai, pou tis eihe pei antio gia prwti fora, tis to eihe pei, "antio", ki as ithele na tis pei 'kratise me", "kratise me" - to tromero tou pisma, dyo lexeis: tromero peisma, opws to vrady, tromero- tis eipe antio, ekei, ekeinos kai to tromero tou peisma, akratito, assylogisto peisma, ki as tis eipe antio alles dyo - treis fores, apo to tilefwno, ki antio ap' to email, ki as tis eipe antio mia- dyo fores sto dromo, tyhaia, poly konta sto "geia sou", sto "herete", poly konta, edw, sto "herete", nomize pws tis eihe pei antio, nomize pws eihe pei antio, ma den eihe pei pote tipota, tipota, tipota, den eihe pei antio, and as he was lying, lying, with that morning's blue, with the blue from that morning, and from so other mornings that passed, lying there, he said goodbye to all the things that passed, to all the things, to all things that were passing, and lying there, he said goodbye to all things passing him by.
Nur was nicht ist ist möglich
1 comment:
What’s wrong, are you low-spirited or just fooling around? Still a jet lag insomniac? Maybe that’s the problem. Sound a bit nostalgic too for both experiences you’ve had and not had. When you say goodbye it means that exhaustion has taken over but yeah don’t just let things pass by, you also have to condition things for more to happen (you know, contribute by altering circumstances the way you can).
Gimme some space said our conditions to possibility....
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