A kind of a "dangerous supplement", marked, scarred on a body, post-orgasmically, always, already in anticipation of (a) crisis OR for a desert avec 'agape'. Mindb(l)ogg(l)ing Noise. "Avalanche, would you share my last pursuit?" (Baudelaire)

Monday, January 19, 2004

Ombion: the porous fabric

Montgomery cheddar matures in a cheesecloth wrap, a porous fabric that allows moisture to escape, a rind to develop and molds to grow on the rind. This slow loss of moisture produces the firm, creamy yet crumbly texture of traditional Cheddar. The molds work on the cheese from the outside in, slowly building flavor.
Their flavor is incomparable: nutty, fruity, grassy, tangy but not sharp, and impeccably balanced. As a nugget of Montgomery's dissolves on the tongue, it produces wave after wave of flavor, with a finish as long as any wine's.
Don't be alarmed to see blue veining in a wedge of Montgomery's. This is simply mold that has breached the rind. Some people seek out these streaked specimens, enjoying the blue character. Certainly, there's no reason to reject such a piece or even to cut away the mold.

('San Francisco Chronicle', 15th January 2004)

touto to endointernet, eksw-here-s ziafettin, to ombion, proiparxei vasi imerologiou; egirise i selida tou imerologiou (enan neo agalmataki tis trapezas kiprou as fanei), emeis imerologoi, aei-logoi, isws je aou-logoi. to ombion to fabric (pou an itan club enna ishe megafwna panw sto patwma/an itan mpiraria enna ishe mono bar je stools pros xaran tou kwsti), to kallitero con-text, pro-text pou emporouse na fanei. porous, opws i kolla tin wra pou en eshis tipote na grapseis, porous opws i glwssa mas (barthes) porous opws i patrida mas (how can any lost be fulifilled? leei i kristeva sto Bulgarie, ma souffrance). porous/poros stin diki mas slash language/'/ language' san perasma/diwdia ta ixni mas ('poros poros aporos' lalei o seferis)
giati en-teli (an je en-arche(twra pou eshi je archi-ve) prepei na leme twra) touto to ombion, to Unreal i sta ellinika tou seferi (je oullon mas) eksw-pragmatiko spirin/spitin en i idia mas i ksenitia, i mon(i)aksia. en to spiti pou egirefkamen - milate, fwnazete, grafete propantws(dimitri!) 'Language is the house of being. Man dwells in it'. Ombion is the house of cheese! Glwssa dwells in it (sorry Martin, sorry jester, sorry dimitri)
ksana(epistrefw sti moni mou patrida, sto ombion tin moni mou partida) je iposxomai na sinexisw na grafw je na dkiavazw (randomly though), na sigxiw to here me to there/ti glwssa me tin gkomena je ti mousa/ na kata-lathwnw kouventes, na tes afinw misoteliwtes, na sirnw eu-kaires na pianw gemates. euherestw dimitri tin ombion kardia sou, kalin sinexeia,

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