Xero, pia, arketa kala: eimasten oligi (opws that to egrafe o Makrygiannis). Kai xero, pia, pws ypoferoumen emeis oi
oligi [more than 1 less than 2] apo tin dyspepsia pou ypoferei, pou ehei diladi haragmeni 'under the skin' (kai 'under the table', 'cash' - gia na thymithoume,
here ta teleftaia X-mas(s)), ekeino pou koinoniologiko-iatrika ,
exorizetai - ite me farmakologia ite me poli-tektiki, ma pou
pera [na allos ena Derridiansmos gia na paizoume: kwsti, christo, jester, nandia... ta flegomena flogismena Lefkosiatiaka vradya mas, osonoup
perasernei [including the 'I, Aye, Eye'] tis statheres twn
ohtewn me ena emetsoaimaswnta lo'on, pou arneitai ws tetois na ehei anti-katavoli i hreo-grafo. Eidika twra,
here se touto to diaforetiko
here pou diavatiriakos [dioti i 'taftotita' ws topologikis erevnas anti-keimeno ehei pro polou alloiwthei, me synepeia to
here pou tosous mines
here oi 'oligi'
psykhikhirizoun] kaloumaste na arthrwsoume o lo'os ws ypo-shesiaki tomi, ws foreas tou tomo-kratikou
reiou leitourgei -always, already agapitoi meta/frastes- ek-statika. Ara, emetsoaimaswmenta - s'antithesi me tin dikatoria tou dyadikou nai/ohi. Allo prama oi dikaiologia tis prooptikis apo-fasis, kai allo prama i en-arche tou arthrwmatos. Me kindyno Heideggerismou tha diakindyneusw
here tin lexi
poiesi: mia kataskevi idi in the making, mia poitiki pou den gyrevei teli, tempi i vwmous ma lexeis-trampolina. Mia poiesi a-proopti [pera apo to a-gnwst tou nai/ohi] pou peratwnei tin prooptiki, kai perasernei ton "syntelesmeno" melonta, ton future perfect twn 'tha', 'na' k.o.k mesa apo ena diamperes diamerisma ston
parakeimeno, ston
choro tou 'idi, panta' [kata to "What I have loved, whether I have kept it or not, I shall love
forever. I simasia as mou epitrapei tis frasis aftis tou Breton vrisketai ohi sto psychologiki diavathmisi tou 'forever', ma metaxi twn 'kommatwn': ekei diladi opou to parelthon ws parron tou mellontos 'idi, panta'
lamvanei chora.] Stom parakeimeno pou den vrisketai makria apo to
perakeimeno. To telos tou keimenou ws to perasma tou keimenou. Peran tou keimenou diladi. Peran tou anti-keimenou tou
text, tou ekviasmou tis oriotopothetisis tis arthrwsis [ite nai / ite ohi - either with us or with the terrorists].
Dyspeptikos gar, anikanos kai animporos tis swstis diatrofis, exakolouthw na ihnilatoume epi-kindyno. To potami pou perasernei tis ohthes tou polles fores katafeygei, hynetai, stin thalassa, kai menei i dyspespsia 'para thin allos'. Kati tetoio tha itan -pera apo aytokatastrifiko- exaskisi tis praktikis pou tosous mines, tosa hronia, tosous parakeimenous daktylodihname kai 'diava-zoume'. Exaskisi tis praktikis tis onomatopoiias, eafton kai allilwn.Syggrousi meionotitwn, pou kata De Certeau ehoun ginei to 'universal'. Dyspeptikos onomatopoios apeilw to ombion me "kinimatopoiisi", se touti tin ihnilatisi mias poiitikis - tin stigmi tou kindynou, tin kathe stigmi. Isws i ekhwrisi topou gia tin ek-fora 'apopsis' (mallon tin epikyrwsi tis dikatorias tou dyadikou) na kanei omws touti tin stigmi tou kindynou na apozita tin poiitiki ohi ws praxi ma ws meth-odo (ohi ws methodologia omws). Meth' odou aftis pros ton parakeimeno, ara pros tin anyparxia tou telous, dierwtatei kaneis ti estin touti i odos. Ma poia i simasia tis topografikis toutis erwtisis? Isws tha eprepe na rwtisoume, isws tha prepei, touti tin stigmi tou kindynou, na erwtisoume haragmenoi ombiouhoi ("symplwrites" -"supplementarians")
poies oi methodoi paragwgis toutis tis meth'odou kai ohi to pou vgazei. I arnisi tis dimosias epivaivewsis tou nai/ohi, tis logo-kratias tou kratio-logismikou den exypakouei tin teliologia tis thesews p.h. 'adiaforia' - kati pou tha "kinimatopoiouse" tin 'dyspespia', topothetwtntas "exw". I dispepsia, idi, panta entos, in-side / in-site.
Mia tetoia erwtisi, mia erwtisi parakeimenou leitourgei i idia ws meth'odos gia ta pera-tairw. Ta parakeimena zevgarwmata tou parakeimenou. Mia meth'odos pou ana-thewrei (kai den ana-morfopoiei para mano met-onymika) tin 'milia' mas ws 'alitevma' - kai ohi ws 'o-noma'. Kati to opoio ehei tehthei 'ektos' - ean kati tetoio mporei na tethei, ektos i entos- einai akrivws o parakeimenos tou
here, tou
here tis pro-keimenis stigmis, pou imeriologika topothetite post-24 April 2004 (24042004 - san grammi gia telemarketing i afierwsis se radisostathmo - ean eishen jai ena 0800 mprosta, hm! hm!, nai? mwro mou, nai... perasernome.*) pou eno fantazei ws koinoniologikos mpampoulas einai, ws parakeimenos, ex arches, aprosdioristos - oso doto kai na einai to mellontiko
here. Aprosdioristos, a-dioristos, a-prooptos - hwris simeia tixis i pixis.
To politiko skiniko, i skinografia tou politikou anamfivolos tha synehisie tin prospatheia tis ori-thetisis toutou tou akatanomastou. Ma anagkastika tha perasei mesa apo tis leitourgies tis glwssas, tis epi-koinwnias, tou minimatos-meaning. Twn M.M.E. (i anadiplwsi tou akronymou diki sas). Meth'odou para-keimenou. Ma idi, panta entos tha vrisketai i diafthirwn dia-fwra, pou den an-ehetai tin omoiogenia, estw kai poli-zoniki, pou epitrepei stin dikatora tou dyadikou, tis epi-logis, na diewnizetai. O jester kalese ena "imno tis prokopis". Ena imno pou kofkei
pros kai ohi 'kommeno kai rammeno'. Ena diakaws kommeno ex aftou (kai ohi logo tou representative performance tou) imno. Me kindyno apenergopoiisi tis dyspepsias kai tou ombiou,
here, me dyo-treis kata-theseis pera-kalw to perasma se mia diatriti 'milia', 'alitevousa', mia nea 'poietiki', mia kataske[p][v]i idi, panta in the making. Na thewriethie touto, tin syngekrimeni stigmi, a propos
here, ohi eplida,ohi praklisi, oho propaganda, ma meth'odos,
Perasma ohi twn meionotitwn, i twn politwn,m poli ligotero tis mazas i tis dimokratias, ma mias
parakeimenis leitourgisimis chorografias.
"The whole chaotic constellation of the social revovlves around the spongy referent, that opague but equally translucent reality, that nothingness: the masses. A statistical crystal ball, the masses are 'swirling with curent flows', in the image of matter and the natural elements. So at least they are represented to us. THey can be "mesmerized", the social envelops them, like static electricity; but most of the time, precisely, the form an earth, that is they absorb all they electricity of the social and political and neutralise it forever. ... (T)he masses have no history to write, neither past nor future, thay have no virtual energies to release, nor any desire to fullfill: their strenght is
actual, in the present, and sufficient unto itself. It consists in their silence...a silence which refuses to be spoken for in its name... They don't express themselves, they are tested. The referendum (and the media are a constant referendum of directed questions and answers) has been substituted for the political referent...Everywhere the masses are encouraged to speak, they ate urged to live socially, electronically, organisationally, sexually, in participation, in festival, in free speech, etc. The spectre must be exorcised, it must pronounce its name.... Out of this private and asocial universe, which does not enter into a dialectic of representation and of transcendence towards the universal, out of this involutive sphere wich is opposed to all revolution from the top and refuses to play the game, some would like to make a new source of revolutionary energy...Banality, inertia, apoliticism ised to be fascist; they are in the process of becoming revolutionary...Micro-revolution of banality, transpolitics of desire - one more trick of the "liberationists". The denial of meaning has no meaning... For us an utenable hypothesis: that it may be possible to communicate
outside the medium of meaning...by an allergy to reference, to the message, to the code and to every category of the linguistic enterprise, by a repudation of all this in favour of imploding the sign in fascination (no longer any signified:absorption of the poles of signification). None of the guardians of meaning can understand this: the whole morality of meaning rises uop against fascination...."
Jean Baudrilliard
In the Shadow of the Silent Majorities
"...there is no experience of
pure presence, but only chains of differential marks."
Jacques Derrida
Signature Event Context
"...triton de au genos on tis chwras aei, fthoran ou prosdehomenon, edran de parehon osa ehei genesinpasin, auto de met' anaisthisias apton logismw tini notho, mogis piston, pros o di kai oneiropoloumen vlepontes kai famen anagkaion einai pou to on apan en tini topw kai katehwn chwran tina, to de mite en gi mite pou kat' ouranon ouden einai. tayta di panat kai toutwn all' adelfa kai paeri tin aypnon kai alhthws fysin yparhousan ypo tautis tis oneirwxews ou dynatai gignometha egerthentes diorizomenoi talithes legein, ws eikoni men, epeiper oud' auto touto ef' w gegonen eautis estin, eterou de tinos aei feretai fantasma, dia tayta en eterw prosikei tini gignesthai, ousias amws ge pws antehomenin, i miden to parapan aytin einai....all' anwmalws panti talantoumenin seiesthai men yp' ekeinwn aytin, kinoumenin d' ay palin ekeina seiein. ta de kinoumena alla alose aei feresthai diakrinomena, wsper ta ypo twn plokanwn te kai organwn twn peri tin tou sitou katharsin seiomena kai analkmwmwna ta men pykna kai varea alli, ta de mana kai koufa eis eteran izei feromena edran....all' anoraton eidos ti kai amorfon, pandehes, metalamvanon de aporwtata ph tou nohtou kai dysalvtotaton legontes ou pseysometha."
*Istoriografiki simeiosi: I makrovioteri dikatoria sti Evrwpi, i diktatoria tou
Estado Novo [Neo Kratos / New State- !!] stin Portogalia, kai praktika epese apo ton thwko tis exousias -meta pou o gia 36 hronia diktatoras Salazar, epese to 1968 apo tin karekla tou pathenwntas engefaliko, diefkolinwntas etsi tin katrakyla tou politikou morfwmatos tou opoiou igitw pros ton afanismo- stis 25 Apriliou 1974. Ehw adiko na eimai erwtevmenos me tin Lissavona?