A kind of a "dangerous supplement", marked, scarred on a body, post-orgasmically, always, already in anticipation of (a) crisis OR for a desert avec 'agape'. Mindb(l)ogg(l)ing Noise.
"Avalanche, would you share my last pursuit?" (Baudelaire)
Monday, February 21, 2005
edging around the box
we're in a room without a door
and I am sure without a doubt
they're gonna wanna know how we got in here
they're gonna wanna know how we plan to get out.
we better have a good explanation
for all the fun that we had
'cuz they are coming for us, baby
and they’re going to be mad
yeah, they’re going to be mad at us
-Shameless(ly into Angry Girls)
“The box is only temporary” – Plath (The Arrival of the Bee Box)
Jai jame pou (en) to perimeneis,
When the blackbird flew out of sight,
It marked the edge
Of one of many circles.
- Wallace Stevens (Thirteen ways of looking at a blackbird)
Oh and speaking of jam jars, Stevens, boxes, and edges…
Anecdote of the Jar
I placed a jar in Tennessee
And round it was, upon a hill.
It made the slovenly wilderness
Surround that hill.
The wilderness rose up to it,
And sprawled around, no longer wild.
The jar was round upon the ground
And tall and of a port in air.
It took dominion everywhere.
The jar was gray and bare.
It did not give of bird or bush,
Like nothing else in Tennessee.
peri melissas o logos
when they said he could walk on water
what it sounds like to me
is he could float like a butterfly
and sting like a bee
literal people are scary, man
literal people scare me
out there trying to rid the world
of its poetry
while getting it wrong fundamentally
down at the church of "look,
it sez right here, see!"
(literal, ANI DIFRANCO?)
Behailed His Gross the Ondt, prostrandvorous upon his dhrone, in his Papylonian babooshkees, smolking a spatial brunt of Hosana cigals, with unshrinkables farfalling from his unthinkables, swarming of himself in his sunnyroom, sated before his com- fortumble phullupsuppy of a plate o'monkynous and a confucion of minthe (for he was a conformed aceticist and aristotaller), as appi as a oneysucker or a baskerboy on the Libido, with Floh biting his leg thigh and Luse lugging his luff leg and Bieni bussing him under his bonnet and Vespatilla blowing cosy fond tutties up the allabroad length of the large of his smalls.
Who are these people at the bridge to meet me? They are
The rector, the midwife, the sexton, the agent for bees.
In my sleeveless summery dress I have no protection,
And they are all gloved and covered, why did nobody tell
They are smiling and taking out veils tacked to ancient
I am nude as a chicken neck, does nobody love me?
Yes, here is the secretary of bees with her white shop
Buttoning the cuffs at my wrists and the slit from my neck
to my knees.
Now I am milkweed silk, the bees will not notice.
Thev will not smell my fear, my fear, my fear.
Which is the rector now, is it that man in black?
Which is the midwife, is that her blue coat?
Everybody is nodding a square black head, they are
knights in visors,
Breastplates of cheesecloth knotted under the armpits.
Their smiles and their voices are changing. I am led
through a beanfield.
(the bee meeting, SYLVIA PLATH)
Sunday, February 20, 2005
- Stranger? I... do not understand... What has happened here?
-Everything has happened.
In a minute there is timeFor decisions and revisions which a minute will reverseTire(s[ias])
Tear (duct/apart)
doubling in and out, con-tinuing off the page, the skin con-tain(t)s and com-municates. The shock of being proved pleasantly wrong is never any the less shocking in the meager amount of times it occurs in. one part here and one part there "all decays to the same black humus" (and i am not talking about the dip, but the juice that was so clearly presented to me in a new moment of unexpectedness).
now today is tomorrow, and tomorrow is today, and yesterday is weaving in and out. (bundt kori, bundt). would you care for a manual? [troubleshooting: it won't download all the images.]
maybe some other time, fuck you very muchand after the fourth, it came out like water from an estuary.
all together eventful, in its uneventfulness.
(references: alan moore, tseliot, cake, ani difranco)
Sunday, February 13, 2005
Being able to stop, not- spining like(s) me because the only thing standing still still keeps still- i am the wind that blows off (or spreads out)
our faces (that could be
theirs 'but mooving' in a way i cannot re-call[η-ληθη-α!]). Αλλωστε (ο δασκαλος) "Το σημαντικο ειναι να πιανεις τον ηχο ενω ταξιδευει",
but capture (it)
how dear(rest) of forms! "Κανε στην ακρη Να σε βρω Δασκαλεμενε Δασκαλευτηκα Κι εγω Σου λεω Μη μιλας Γνωριζω το Ονειρο μην το ξυπνησεις Θα με ονειρευτει Εκεινο Αλλιως Παγιδα- Ειδα.". Κι υστερα, ή μαλλον προτερα ο Νietzsche: " Η ληθη δεν ειναι απλως Vis inertiae[δυναμη αδρανειας] οπως πιστευουν οι επιπολαιοι, αλλα μαλλον μια ενεργητικη, θετικη με τη πιο αυστηρη εννοια του ορου ικανοτητα αναστολης, στη οποια πρεπει να αποδοθει το γεγονος οτι καθε τι που βιωνουμε και απορροφουμε γινεται τοσο λιγο συνειδητο κατα τη διαρκεια της "πεψης" (θα μπορουσαμε να ονομασουμε τη διαδικασια αυτη "ψυχικη αφομοιωση") οσο και η πολλαπλη διαδικασια που λαμβανει χωρα κατα τη σωματικη θρεψη- η ονομαζομενη "αφομοιωση". Το να κλεινουμε καθε τοσο τις πορτες και τα παραθυρα της συνειδησης΄[...]λιγη ησυχια΄ λιγη tabula rasa [αγραφος πινακας] της συνειδησης, προκειμενου να κανουνε λιγο χωρο για καινουρια πραγματα[...]- ιδου ποιο ειναι το οφελος της ενεργητικης ληθης[...]- φυλακα της ψυχικης ταξης, της ηρεμιας: [...]δε μπορει να υπαρξει ευτυχια, ευδιαθεσια, ελπιδα, περηφανια,
παρον διχως την ιδιοτητα της ληθης.Ο ανθρωπος του οποιου αυτος ο ανασταλτικος μηχανισμος εχει παθει βλαβη[...] μπορει να συγκριθει με εναν δυσκεπτικο- δε μπορει πια να "τελειωσει" τιποτα..." κι εγω "Ας μην ηταν να θυμαμαι αλλα να ξερω΄ κι ολο ξερω να θυμαμαι' ή θυμαμαι οτι ή ξερω" ή "ειμαστε εξαλλου εμεις τοσο πολλες, που θαρρω πως- καποιαν παντοτε
ξ ε χ ν α ω στο σκοταδι" και ξανα ο Nietzsche: "Ο,τιδηποτε ειναι βαθυ αγαπα τη μασκα. [...] Καθε βαθυ πνευμα εχει αναγκη απο μια μασκα: ακομα περισσοτερο γυρω απο καθε βαθυ πνευμα στερεοποιειται διαρκως μια μασκα, χαρη στη διαρκως λανθασμενη, δηλαδη στη ρηχη αναγνωση καθε λεξης, καθε ιχνους ζωης, που αυτο δινει". Spinning again like "ταλαντευμα, εξαισιος ιλιγγος" ο Ριτσος κι εγω: " 'Τι ψαχνεις,λεει,αφου σε ψαχνουν' Κι αμα κρυφτω μεσα στο πληθος Αμα Το ξερω θα με βρουν- ειναι τα ψευτικα μαλλια, ή να΄ναι ψεμα και το πιστεψα Πως Το κεφαλι πυρ- πωλωντας ΄Ολακερη η λαμπαδοφορια θα εισαι εσυ΄ ", "Με ποδια αλλα απαρασαλευτοι"...and could that be creation? stopping or spotting; spinning or sniping;
yet "i'm a tree that grows higher" and quiet and "leaves of mine, be-come soundfull"
[Dhmhtrh eida enan esu]
Saturday, February 05, 2005
C.-ale- (Seamiwseis tis Rwgmis)
Ate kale, xana tha apantisw to kalesma, kai ton knismo tou totem tha apsifisw. Milw stou mellonta tous hronous, not least, trofos tou pentziki.
To parellthon einai to paron tou mellontos. Apostagmata kai ale-ale- sta akrodaktyla, mines meta kai meta apo ta idia tragoudia, emenw stin anasa sou. Allazwntas patwmata, allazwntas kai hwres kai megalwnontas, horohronika,
immensely kai akariaia. Mporei to plithos kai i syhnotita na synithizwntai kai na feugoun ma menei i gefsi kai to orama. I mnimi me tin protokathedria tis kathws epanallamvanei kaneis to ela kai to fyge tou ygrou apospamatos tou olou sou. Epekteinw ta heria opws antikeimenos sou einai o nous. Entos tis katataxis, me tin rwgmi sta katw (ektos ap'ta methysia st' ai giannis tin giorti, pou emtopizame ta pdia panw kai ta kefalia hame ki anapoda), kai opws ypomnimatizw noitika gia tous epomenous ta proigoumena tou hronou kai tis diathlasis tou fwtos se alles glwsses, gia tin afi tis ygrasias epimenw kai twn heiliwn to synapantima. Psahnw tis pediades kai ta plateus twn pediwn volis tis thallasas tou agrinou. Twn apodehtwn oriwn diakekomenis meta feministikis symperiforas. Ashetws an stin opsi, me to fws nero katakoryfo, ta synora kai oi nomoi amfisvitunte. Pyli toy paradeisou kai i pigi mias kainourgias omorfias to stereotypo. Ma kai to risko. I afwni epivevewsi tou stithous kai to pyrotehnima tis enstolis perithoriopoisis, gia hari tis haris, i sympathitiki asfalisis, apo to neo sto palio ki ap'ta polla sta liga. Den eimai o James Bond. Oute kan voutihtis. Ki an o Elvis koimithike st'alitheia kapou edw to lefko twn provollwn sou, ashetw onomatws, to ehw osfristei, toulahiston, egw kai i avra sou. Makria apo tin efivia, oso ki an mas onomaizei kai klwthogyrizwntas mas daktylodeihnei ton thavmasti tis Godiva,
etsi milw gia sena kai gia mena epifyllasomenos tin pollaplasiazomeni diaieresi epi tou pothiotou, afou einai akoma Savvato.
Ki an i katanoisi amfisvitite apo tin seimiologia einai giati akoma kai o Barthes, sta lexikografika tou syngramata tin engateliepse. Kai tin mia kai tin alli. Gia na meinei, parwmiws, erwn. Erwn entos afis akrodaktylwn kai osfrisewn taxidevmenon gia to mellon. Entos amihanwn kai heiras. Me mboukles i hwris. Akyri algevra tou m+n sta defterolepta tis entasis pou apotraviounte gia wres metamesonuhties, en kinisei i (full stop)
Epestrefe kai perne me glykia mou aisthisi
Thursday, February 03, 2005
appearance as withdrawal
ke pios den oneireutike enan ximo sun-island mes tin kake(u)keria tis agglias.
Absolute Eliot (prepei na miazei san mpoukala absolute):
-----------------------My mind…---------------------
-----------------------[is] absolut---------------------
-----------------------e, in that it------------------------
-----------------------is a point of-----------------------
------------------viewfrom which I can-----------------------
----------------not possibly escape...; d------------------------
----------------erived, in that I am able,-------------------------
----------------by virtue of the continuity------------------------
---------------of mind with the non-ment------------------
---------------al, to trace in some ways its---------------------
---------------origin, with that of other mi---------------------
---------------nds, from an indifferent mat-----------------------
---------------erial…we must remember th----------------------
---------------at no view is original or ultim--------------------
---------------ate: when we inquire into the-------------------
---------------real world…we mean the worl--------------------
---------------d from the viewpoints of finite--------------------
---------------centres as subjects only; we m------------------
---------------ean the real world for us now, n-----------------------
---------------ot from the point of view of som------------------------
---------------e further developed mind tracin-------------------------
---------------g its ancestors and the world the----------------------------
---------------y lived in. (Eliot, Knowledge and------------------------------
--------------- Experience, p.145)......................-------------------------
forget it, lets not forget:
I have put forward the proposition according to which there would never be “metaphysics”, “closure” not being here a circular limit bordering a homogeneous field but a more twisted structure which today, according to another figure, I would be tempted to call: “invaginated.” (Derrida, The Retrait of Metaphor, p.14)
Why should ‘literature’ still designate that which already breaks away from literature – away from what has been conceived and signified under that name – or that which, not merely escaping literature, implacably destroys it? (Derrida, Dissemination, p.3)
Tuesday, February 01, 2005
WARNING: I have the power to trap you in giant jam jars
Let her be
Gertrude was never a Gertrude was never never a was was Gertrude a never poet Gertrude was never a Stein
[otan se velpw thwrw mono
xrwmata]Feukw pou tin Lania, tzai paw pio notia. Vriskw tous
Kypreous, tzai sinexizw to taksidi.
Eimasten pio HC.
Eimasten pio palioi.
Eimasten ninja.
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