A kind of a "dangerous supplement", marked, scarred on a body, post-orgasmically, always, already in anticipation of (a) crisis OR for a desert avec 'agape'. Mindb(l)ogg(l)ing Noise.
"Avalanche, would you share my last pursuit?" (Baudelaire)
«Τρέχουν» οι εργασίες Νέο κτίριο επιβατών για το αεροδρόμιο Πάφου περί τα τέλη του 2008
Πάφος: Σε λειτουργία, περί τα τέλη του 2008, αναμένεται να τεθεί το νέο κτίριο επιβατών στο αεροδρόμιο Πάφου. Αυτό δήλωσε ο υπουργός Συγκοινωνιών και Έργων, Χάρης Θράσου ο οποίος επισκέφθηκε σήμερα το εργοτάξιο κατασκευής του νέου αερολιμένα της Πάφου. Όπως είπε, η κατασκευή του κτιρίου άρχισε τον Ιούνιο του 2006 και αναμένεται ότι θα συμπληρωθεί και θα τεθεί σε λειτουργία περί τα τέλη του 2008. Οι κατασκευαστικές εργασίες, παρατήρησε ο υπουργός, προχωρούν με γοργούς ρυθμούς και βρίσκονται τουλάχιστον δύο μήνες μπροστά από το εγκεκριμένο χρονοδιάγραμμα του έργου. Για παράδειγμα, επισήμανε, σήμερα εκτελούνται εργασίες που σύμφωνα με το χρονοδιάγραμμα αναμενόταν να εκτελεστούν αρχές του 2007.
Σύμφωνα με στοιχεία του υπουργείου Συγκοινωνιών, για την κατασκευή του νέου κτιρίου επιβατών θα χρησιμοποιηθούν 11.000 κ.μ. σκυροδέματος, 950 τόνοι οπλισμού, ενώ το συνολικό μήκος των διασωληνώσεων θα είναι 9 km. * Θα διαθέτει επίσης χώρος στάθμευσης για 760 ιδιωτικά οχήματα, 36 λεωφορεία και 84 ταξί.
Το νέο κτίριο επιβατών του αερολιμένα της Πάφου διακρίνεται για το σύγχρονο σχεδιασμό του, είναι μια κατασκευή υψηλών προδιαγραφών, με συνολικό εμβαδόν 18.000 τ.μ. περίπου και χωρητικότητας 2,7 εκ. επιβατών το χρόνο, αναφέρουν τα στοιχεία του υπουργείου. Τα επίπεδα εξυπηρέτησης θα είναι ψηλού επιπέδου, με σταθερή ροή επιβατών, ανεκτές καθυστερήσεις και καλό επίπεδο άνεσης, σύμφωνα με το υπουργείο Συγκοινωνιών και Έργων.
Kati eipes ma en kalakouw logw tou oti to '74 epesan kati pompes dipla mou.
[Ear Appeal en o titlos mias ekthesis pou anoi'ei stin Vienni avrio. Thelw na paw, alla epeidi thelw na paw me to traino, en mia faousa lires jai karterw na perasei toutos o minas - simera eplirwthiken to enoikio kai oi misoi logariasmoi, ara mporei na ehw monon osa lefta kratw panw mou, kapou 25 lires- jai na doumen.]
Ena lepto na fkalw to roloi mou jai enohlei me.
To loipon: eimai stin diadikasia na grapsw kati gia to afti ws hwros parousias kai hwros proklisis tis siwpis. To afti oi mono ws anatomiko antikeimeno jai ws viologikes diergasies ma jai ws interactive element me diafores politistiko-koinwnikes praxeis. Pou to kopsimo tou afkiou to Rwmaiou stratiwti sto Kipo tis Gesthimanis jai to kopsimo (kommathkiou tou) afkiou to Van Gogh ws ta prosthetika afkia tou Selarc, tis otoaspides jai tous tilefwnikous thalamous / telephone enclosures, to afti stin tainia Blue Velvet se shesi me tous otolithous, ton Gargantua jai to rolo tis akois stin philosophia tis mousikis tou Teddy. Oula touta san mia episismi eisagwgi stin Spatio-Cultural istoria tis Siwpis pou -egw ftaiw, jai i kelle mou- apofasisa na me apasholei ws akadimaiki erevna. Na mes ta mathkia!
Na ms ta mathkia dioti ekollisa. An to 1952 se ena gerimo radiostathmo stin Pensilvania efarmostike gia prwti isws fora to '7 second delay' ws mia idiotypi morfi aposiwpisis, logokrisias kai apodotikis leitourgikotitas sta plaisia twn kanonoismwn anametadwsis, twra ta daktyla mou mporei na katsarizoun elefthera ma stin thea tis lefkis selidas / othonis eta oula jiame jai eshei jai ena mina. Oula touta epeidi prepei na arkepsw na peripoioume tin episimi mou selida sto webpage to department, isws, epeidi prepei na allaxw 'perivallon'. San na jai en allaxw spiti - pale! Ma en jai mia periergi foviki antidrasi stin ekfora (tis) siwpis. Gamw to Wittgenstein mou gamw!
Pws na miliseis oi mono gia tin apousia ma jai gia tis technologies -istoriko-politiko-politistika- proklisis tis?
Etsi, opws kathoume dame me ton kafe mou, jai pera pou ta afkia peleka ti siwpi mou mia faousa alla projects, eipa na kopsoumen kammia kouventa. Ela, akoueis?
"Music that remains true to itself would rather not exist at all, would rather (..) be extinguished, than betray its essence by holding fast to existence."
"... a brief heightened experience meassured not according to time but intensity and awareness."
Google buys Youtube for $1.65 billion. Kai gia alli mia fora opoiadipote pithanotita dimiourgias mias allis morfis amfidromwn shesewn epistrefei kai epistrefete sta symvatika exousiastika montela. Idi epikyronounte oi symfwnies tis Googlevideo kai tis Youtube - xehwrista - me etairies mousikis paragwgis kai tileoptika dyhtia oso afora to copyrighted content sta sites tous. To opoio nai men pouleite ws parahwrisi dynatotitas ston hristi na parakolouthei- 'to access'- touta oula ta skata pou fkalei i Universal jai i Warner Bros, alla stin pragmatikotita eni i epivoli dasmwn kai i metatropi enos dihtyou / net-work se ierarhimeno feudo. Se syndyasmo me tin prosfati anakoinwsi toutou dame tou hostsite - blogspot - oti en tha mporei na kamnei upload mouhtin 'non-blog' content, protrepwntas mas na pame na kamoume accounts allou [des: Youtube] kai tin ekpliktiki ataka oso afora 'Google's mission' : "to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful" (useful?! pale! ampa jai deite to a-hristo na provallei!) irten i wra na anathewrisoumen tin shesi mas me ton kyrion internet en genei?
Ki allos enas minas. Stigmes pou i zwi ginetai ena oneiro gia mena; ena oneiro kai tipote allo: xwris arxi, xwris telos, opou ta panta xoropidoun, asinartita. Kathe mera, mia volta tis vidas parakatw. Me mathimatiki akriveia. Simera agorasa ena paketo tsigara Maryland gia na xanagirisw. Kapnizontas ta, eniwsa ti kria staxti.
Paraskevi, 2 oktwvri. Nixta.
Skoteinazei; twra einai sxedon nixta, otan pernoume to apogematino mas. To ilektriko den exei dinami. Γέψη του χειμώνα. Kapnizw aggliko kapno sti palia mou pipa ke vriskw ps i monaksia mou sto Londino itan kali. Wstoso ki ekei me piran ta dakria ena vradi, otan diavasa:
A sunny day we shall go.
O anthrwpos einai panta diplos: ekeinos pou prattei, ki eneikos pou vlepei ton eauto tou na prattei; ekeinos pou aisthanetai, ki ekeinos pou paratirei ton eauto tou na aisthanetai. Otan lew egw, ti ennow, to egw mou A i B? Ki auto deixnei pws einai sxedon adinato na einai kaneis eilikrinhs.
"The stars about the full moon lose their bright beauty when she, almost full, illumines all earth with silver.
The gleaming stars all about the shining moon Hide their bright faces, when full-orbed and splendid In the sky she floats, flooding the shadowed earth with clear silver light."
Sappho's poems Quoted by Eustathius of Thessalonica in the twelfth century
Agent Unkle Bill Lee Reporting On The Island (excerpt from Naked Lunch)
The Island was a British Military and Naval station directly opposite the Zone. England holds the Island on yearly rent-free lease, and every year the lease and permit of residence is formally renewed. The entire population turns out, attendance is compulsory, and gathers at the municipal dump. The President of the Island is required by custom to crawl across the garbage on his stomach and deliver the Permit of Residence and Renewal of the Lease, signed by every citizen of the Island, to The Resident Governor who stands resplendent in dress uniform. The Governor takes the permit and shoves it into his coat pocket: "Well," he says with a tight smile, "so you've decidedto let us stay another year have you? Very good of you. And everyone is happy about it?... Is there anyone who isn't happy about it?" Soldiers in jeeps sweep mounted machine-guns back and forth across the crowd with a slow, searching movement. "Everybody happy. Well that's fine." He turns jovially to the prostrate President. "I'll keep your papers in case I get caught short. Haw Haw Haw." His loud, metallic laugh rings out across the dump, and the crowd laughs with him under the searching guns. The forms of democracy are scrupulously enforced on the Island. There is a Senate and a Congress who carry on endless sessions discussing garbage disposal and out house inspection, the only two questions overwhich they have jurisdiction. For a brief period in the mid-nineteenth century, they had been allowed to control the dept. of Baboon Maintenance but this privilege had been withdrawn owing to absenteeism in the Senate. The purple-assed Tripoli baboons had been brought to the Island by pirates in the 17th century. There was a legend that when the baboons left the Island it would fall. To whom or in what way is not specified, and it is a capital offense to kill a baboon, though the noxious behaviour of these animals harries the citizens almost beyond endurance. Occasionally someone goes berserk, kills several baboons and himself. [...] His presurgery face emerged in an arc-light of incandescent hate....He began to spit curses in the hideous, strangled gutturals of the Island dialect. The Islanders all profess ignorance of the dialect or fiatly deny its existence. "We are Breetish," they say. "We don't got no bloody dealect."
It's getting darker a lot earlier again. it's raining a lot more too. and for some strange reason the fan on my computer makes a sound like crickets on a hot august afternoon, so occasionally i don't know where i am. no bearings at all in fact. no orientation to speak of. even when sitting in one place, motionless. and i wonder how often do we displace ourselves? and how often do we misplace others? i've never been one for prayers. i'd rather cross bridges.
"Του είπα ότι δεν πρέπει να δηλώνει απλώς τί νομίζει ότι είναι αληθές, αλλά να δίνει και επιχειρήματα, είπε όμως ότι τα επιχειρήματα καταστρέφουν την ομορφιά, και ότι θα αισθανόταν σαν να λερώνει ένα λουλούδι με χέρια λασπωμένα. Με γοητεύει πραγματικά -ένας καλλιτέχνης του νου είναι τόσο σπάνιο. Του είπα ότι δε μου κάνει καρδιά να πω τίποτε αντίθετο, και ότι είναι καλύτερα να αποκτήσει ένα σκλάβο για να γράφει τα επιχειρήματα" Από γράμμα του Russel στη Lady Ottoline, 27 Μαίου1912.
"Na paw monh mou, loipon, na rwth8w?" Eksallou einai alh8eia pws gnwrizw ta erwthmata- to duskolo einai, gia mena, na ta thesw. Ki oi apanthseis exoun stoma megalutero ap'to stoma mou, mones tous gia na milh8oun. Mhpws, omws, mperdeuomai? Giati allote parathrw oti fwnazoun oi apories ki oti kanenas den tis apanta ki akoma, vouva pws kathomai kammia fora dixws out'ena apo ta paidia ths skepshs. "De kserw, de kserw."
Entoutois, akatanohta, ola mpainoun sth seira tous, san na gennh8hkan me auth thn entolh.
Gorazw ta mpoukalia tou tote kai koitw tin monadiki fotografia pou akomi kouvalaw mazi mou - tosa hiliometra. Methysmeni. Psahnw ta omoia ki epivevaiwnete i apostasi. Me nero, isiha, akouw to pezodromio. Metra monaha makria ma ametrites maties na menoun, pia, mones. Kratw to metopo opws esy tote to diko mou. Afinw to metwpo sta heria opws esy egernes to diko sou stou poukamisou mou tous omous. Se toses poleis. Na apologithw, na mempsimirisw - i prodiathesi kai to epakoloutho tis agrypnias. Na se xypnisw, ekei dipla ap' to pithano swma, i to keno, pou koimase - t' whiskey. Hairomai ta melania kai ta pionia pou zeisame, to prwto kai to telftaio fili, t' afiltra, to hioni kai tin nekri helwna, harama. Polonaise, 022, Sokolata Ygeias, to Total Bitch twn Closer, ta Krina sto Gagarin, ena Rockwave, Trito Programma -se treis toulahiston glwsses-, portokalia stin Peiraiws, ta synora Elvetias-Germanis, Evelyn Waugh, metamesonyhtio Parisi, to mple, to tyrkouaz, to kokkino kai ta prwina sto krevvati sou. Etsi.