A kind of a "dangerous supplement", marked, scarred on a body, post-orgasmically, always, already in anticipation of (a) crisis OR for a desert avec 'agape'. Mindb(l)ogg(l)ing Noise.
"Avalanche, would you share my last pursuit?" (Baudelaire)
Tuesday, November 30, 2004
D/amazing post (Homage to you two of SUNDAY)
Small talk comes from small bones Pseudo-coilision me ton Pound anemothoraka kai ton agkwna engraphon svistiri sta van tou fournou. As en kala ta pothkia mas, afou o nous ehathin,
and in all my mind / Not even a child's wit can I find / Such in her presence I become / Surely some kindness should start up / In her sight of such plight. na menei kai i entopia mas sofia dipla pou tin Sophia tou 23. Post-Cypriot. I cyprus post. Meta tin phwni, sta dexia mas, 1:29+kati psila, apo tin 14 anatoliki kai 60th street, sta 130 hronia tou Winston,[
ZEI] diava-zei etsi gymnos o selidodeiktis, hwris tragoudi, ap' ta vivlia me ta pente asterakia:
While our fates twine together, sate we our eyes with love;
For long night comes upon you
and a day when no day returns.
Let the gods lay chains upon us
so that no day shall unbind them.
Fool who would set a term to love's madness,
For the sun shall drive with black horses,
earth shall bring wheat from barley,
The flood shall move towards the fountain
Ere love know moderations,
The fish shall swim in dry streams.
No, now while it may be, let not the fruit of life cease.
Dry wreathes drop their petals,
their stalks are woven in baskets,
To day we take the great breath of lovers.
to morrow fate shuts us in.
Thouh you give all your kisses
you give but a few.Kai pio panw, 537:12
san dwro, gift, to apogevma tis fasarias, dwsmeno meta ta pota mias tetartis:
Eyes are the guides of loveApenanti, st' aristera i Kypros. Na, des! To
ta mnemosyna tis niotis pou egkainiazei o erastis tis Phrosous, a!
You, sometimes, will lament a lost friend
For it is a custom:
This care for past menAll things are given over, / Only the restless will / Surges amid the stars / Seeking new moods of life / New permutations...
Sunday, November 28, 2004
Would you like to go to
, firstnighting down Sycomore Lane. Fine feelplay we had of it mid the kissabetts...
...and making her love with his stuffstuff inthe languish of flowers and feeling to find was she mushymushy, and wasn't that very both of them, the saucicissters,
a drahereen o machree!, and (peep!) meeting waters most improper (peepette!) ballround the garden, trickle trickle trickle triss, please, miman, may I go flirting? farmers gone with a groom and how they used her, mused her, licksed her and cuddled. I differ with ye! Are you sure of yourself now? You're a liar, excuse me! I will not and you're another. And Lully holding their breach of peaxe for them. Pool loll Lolly! To give and to take1 And to forgo the pasht! And all will be forgotten! Ah ho! It was too bad to be falling about her kindness pet and the shape of OOOOOOOO Ourang's time. Well all right, Lelly. And shakeahand. And schenksumore. For Craig sake. Be it suck.
lowWell, even should not the framing of such figments in the evidential order bring th etruth to light as fortuitously as a dim seer's setting of a starchart might (heaven helping it!) uncover the nakedness of an unknown body in the fields of blue or as forehearingly as the sibspeeches of all mankind have foliated (earth seezing them!) from the root of some funner's stotter all the soundest sense to be found immense our special mentalists now holds (
securus iudicat orbis terrarum) that by such playing possum our hagious curious encestor bestly saved his brush with his posterity, you, charming coparcenors, us, heirs of his tailsie.
FW, 96:11-35
e, pws alli/ws(x2) tetoi
Saturday, November 27, 2004
Since earth is earth, perhaps, not heaven (as yet)— though some savants make earth include the sky; and blue so far above us comes so high, it only gives our wish for blue a whet.
τo σμικρoν eκληπτeον wς eπi πaντα
καi διa πaντων aνεμποδiστως χωροuν
καi eνεργοuν καi διϊκνοuμενον aχρι
μερισμοu ψυχhς καi σvματος,
aρμoν τε καi μυελvν καi eννοιwν καρδiας,
μaλλον δe τwν oντων aπaντων
yudaSVISTIRIdixtismasperaWHY make so much of fragmentary blue in here and there a bird, or butterfly, or flower, or wearing-stone, or open eye,when heaven presents in sheets the solid hue?
the giver of presents is tomorrows gone, the dreamy snap of fingers and it's ghost, the ghostly gone of presents and its giver, of dream is given, of dream is taken, of dream is goneΤo δe ταuτoν uπερουσiως aiδιον,
aτρεπτον, aφ΄ eαυτοu μeνον, aεi
κατa τa αuτa καi wσαuτως eχον,
πaσιν wσαuτως παρwν καi αuτo καθ΄
eαυτo eφ΄ αυτοu σταθερwς καi aχρaντως
eν τοiς καλλiστοις πeρασι τhς iπερουσiου ταuτoτητος iδρυμeνον a language of which they are absolute lords, and which is proper to the popular commonwealths and monarchical states; a language whereby the people may fix the meaning of the laws by which the nobles as well as the plebs are bound
Words, what are they? One tear will say more than all of them.
Schubert.Or Blanchot:
Always returning upon the paths of time, we are neither ahead nor behind: late is early, near is far. Giati zwi einai oi alloi kai zwi einai otan oi alloi s' akoumpan ki otan gyrnoun pros esena kai ta swmata ton anthrwpwn. Cheimwnas.
What happens between two, and between all the "two's" one likes, such as life and death, can only
maintain itself with some ghost, can only
talk with or about some ghost. So it would be necessary to learn spirits. xviii, 1994
Ay, already the somber oppacities of the gloom are spanished! Brave footsore Haun! Work on your progress! Hold to! Now! Win out, ye divil ye! The silent cock shall crow ata last. The west shall shake the east awake. Walk while ye have the night for morn, lightbreakfastbringer, morroweth whereon every past shall full fost sleep. Amain.Never disappointed, not for lack of disappointment, but because disappointment's always being insufficient. Maurice Blanchot,
The writing of the disaster, p.4, 1995
Untill the end of the world
J43, 5:
The immagination, that queen of the facultiesJ43, 7:
Enduring fame is promised only to those writers who can offer to successive generations a nourishment constantly renewed; for every generation arrives on the scene with its own particular hungerEtsi klaiw jai trww gia thkio. Sorry-
I have lost my humour
(W)here, instead of the clock, the eyes indicate the hours M3a, 2: Flanerie through the bill of fare
and [U2]
were acting like it was the end of the world...thank you babe[nick
os]This work has to develop to the highest degree the art of citing without quotation marks. Its theory is that of the montage.//p.458, 1999.
D1a, 7:
The streets have such gradiations of gray...-men mou mitsokamas/eisai athropos esou na mou theleis
[e, eimai o gerimos.
No. 017407 Kind of Blue
Friday, November 26, 2004
damazontas damaskina apo tin damasko
"arxaggele mou gavrihl..."
; pelagoi peloriwn parekklisewn me tin kiriakou pelagia; sfodres, ek tou plagiou, tou plagiou logou, parremvaseis, me splina
epiponi, aiman revston, akatasxeta akanoniston
exouthenomenos, exou kai touto, "ela esso pou dame"
1.tsak-key [swiss army knife], art-tziakkki, "art-tsithkia tis moulas", arxipelagoi makrosirtwn siwpwn remvazontas me ton skakistiko partener.
(paremvasi: "never put the queen and the king in parallel")
"and you that I call Dulcineon I seek to invent and find, and everafter bestow my heart to" ekvallomenos apo rithmous aftoepivallomenous, katratsillo me offtzieri tzillia tziai pou en na efkerisw, isws, me mia drashiellia, parwmiws me ton digeni akrita,parepiptontos en tis apousias tou den tha eixame tin petra tou rwmiou (kai en sinexeia to greek rock) i ton pentadaktilo, nna mes ta mathkia, paw sto supermarket. avevea (,) veviasmena
"in advance of a broken fan" i "in search of mary celeste" xarakwmena, kwmmenos, xarakwmenos -
revston, giaiman ("en na tou piw to giaima tou / oi giaima esou") ; 20p for the kid playing Lambada in S.Kensighton on his accordion, aggouri tou pinkou - i prospathia, odigoumeni sta pathoi, stavrwkopioume "arxaggele mou gavrihl.." kai sintoma stavronome, anastasi thee mou, panagia voitha - twn agiwn pantwn i tis poutanas, anathema, thima rogmwn stous themellious : katarrevsi /
etwn tziai ton niko
19 sto patwma
to thymo sou ki an thelw /
monaha to fili sou pethymw
hwris teleies
dyskola metafrazete to that still sobbing place
episis se fotografia to nero kai to 13% kai to psesino
nyhta // t' asterakia hamw
skepsis, or: writing what i bloody well want to
“the poem dreams of being written without the pronoun ‘I’.” - Harper
The leaves fall early this autumn, in wind.
The paired butterflies are already yellow with August
Over the grass in the West garden;
They hurt me. I grow older.Daedalus’s epical form. Pound always strived for epic. From the self, to the others.
“the poem is a space” - Sacks
These are the years and the walls and the door
that shut on a boy that pats the floor
to feel if the world is there and flat.
This is a Jew in a newspaper hat
that dances joyfully down the ward
into the parting seas of board
past the staring sailor
that shakes his watch
that tells the time
of the poet, the man
that lies in the house of Bedlam.Pound’s space. As described by E. Bishop. From talkative, to cruel to tedious to wretched, as Pound shifts, so does the space, and so does the world, from round to flat.
“poetry negotiates the edges” - Sacks
But Crow Crow
Crow nailed them together,
Nailing Heaven and earth together
So man cried, but with God’s voice.
And God bled, but with man’s blood.
The agony did not diminish.
Man could not be man nor God God
The agony
Crying: ‘This is my Creation’
Crow negotiates the edges.
Thursday, November 25, 2004
She read, she said, we drunk, i ate, he did not shave, i read:
In November, for September's nights // at least
Wednesday, November 24, 2004
Penis erectus non habet conscientiam
"A man's life of any worth is a continual allegory" John Keats
Na trws ahladomila kathws agorazeis elies mes to xydi, na eheis skisei ta heili sou sta nyhia tis kai na einai sto patwma o Cheimwnas ki ap'e xw i metamfiesi tou heimwna, enw afineis tin myrwdia tou ilioloustou kafe sta dwmatia me ta gyalina mpimpelo tou mesopolemou kai ta lefka fanelakia. Pethymwntas ton Shake-speare [HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Love is too young to know what conscience is;
Yet who knows not conscience is born of love?
Then, gentle cheater, urge not my amiss,
Lest guilty of my faults thy sweet self prove.
For, thou betraying me, I do betray
My nobler part to my gross body's treason:
My soul doth tell my body that he may
Triumph in love; flesh stays no farther reason,
But, rising at thy name, doth point out thee
As his triumphant prize. Proud of this pride,
He is contented thy poor drudge to be,
To stand in thy affairs, fall by thy side.
No want of conscience hold it that I call
Her 'love' for whose dear love I rise and fall. ] ehw ton idrwta stis mashales arwma sta mallia twn polewn. Ki as hathei gia panta i epohi twn grammatosimwn - tha epikoinwnw mazi sou me exatmismena dakrya,
entopias kai apoikiakis paragwgis thymitaria kai portierides.
"Pws pernas?"
Tuesday, November 23, 2004
Diladi [V]
So here I am, in the middle way, having had twenty years-
Twenty years largely wasted, the years of l'entre deux guerres-
Trying to learn to use words, and every attempt
Is a wholly new start, and a different kind of failure
Because one has only learnt to get the better of words
For the thing one no longer has to say, or the way in which
One is no longer disposed to say it. And so each venture
Is a new begining, a raid on the inarticulate
With shabby equipment always deteriorating
In the general mess of imprecision of feeling,
Undisciplined squads of emotions. And what there is to conquer
By strength and submission, ha already been disovered
Once or twice, or several times, by men whom we cannot
To emulate -but there is no competition-
There is only the fight to recover what has been lost
And found and lost again and again: and now, under
That seem unpropitious. But neither gain nor loss.
For us there is only the trying. The rest is not our businessI AM RESPONSIBLE FOR MY ROSE(full/stop)
Home is where one starts from. As we grow older
The world becomes stranger, the pattern more complicated
Of dead and living. Not the intense moment
Isolated, with no before and after,
But a lifetime burning in every moment
Afto, afto na grapseis stous toixous toutous, kathws me zesto panteloni kai hameni akoi, me tin orasi sterimeni tou ti/pota, amethystoi, fylame tin enohopoiimeni ypnilia kai tin ypenthymisi tou asteroidous twn epikefalidwn tou 1909, tou 1920, tou 1944.
Merci A-gape mou
Then again post-txt, may
b just
for now
Xair(et)w (sun)apantwntas sas
Sunexizontas (atona- :
"Εσωστρεφης αν ελεγα οτι ειμαι, αυτο θα μπορουσε να ηταν σωστο, αν και αυτες οι στροφες εχουν μια περιεργη διαδικασια στην οποια ισως οφειλεται η σιωπη μου, που οπως προσπαθησα να πω ειναι μια σιωπη περισσοτερο εξ αποτελεσματος παρα εκ προθεσεως. Επειτα η σιωπη δεν ειναι ποτε σιωπη, τετοιο πραμα δεν υπαρχει, απο περιεργεια και μονο καθως εχω γυρισει αναποδα με το κεφαλι προς τα κατω και βυθιζομαι τεντωνω τ΄αυτι μου, παντα διαρκως καποιος μιλαει, διαρκως κανει θορυβο, αδυνατον να μην τον προσεξεις τελικα, αλλωστε για σενα προκειται, βεβαια το τι λεει δεν ειναι ολες τις φορες του χεριου σου , αλλα δεν ειναι δυσκολο να καταλαβεις οτι σε καθε επιπεδο που προσπερνας συνεχως συνεδριαζουν, πορτες ανοιγουν και κλεινουν δημιουργωντας ξαφνικα ρευματα, αγγελλιαφοροι σε προσπερνουν μ΄ενα ανεπαισθητο θροϊσμα, μεταφραστες αφηνουν καπου καπου ελαφριους αναστεναγμους απο την ταχυτητα- η μεταφραση σε γλωσσα συγκεκριμενου επιπεδου ειναι φαινεται απαραιτητη οσο δυσκολο κι αν ειναι αυτο-, εδω κι εκει ενας λιγμος απο καποιον μεταφραστη που εκανε λαθος κι αυτομαστιγωνεται σε μιαν ακρη σε κανει να σταματησεις για ενα δευτερολεπτο, λιγο απλωνεις το χερι με συμπονια αλλα αυτος σηκωνει το μαστιγιο απειλητικα προς το μερος σου, γρηγορα απομακρυνεσαι τοτε, δεν ειναι εντελως δικη σου δουλεια, δεν εισαι ακομα εντελως στο δικο σου χωρο, πιο κατω, πιο βαθεια περιμενει το δικο σου μαστιγιο, οι σημαντικες αποφασεις που σε αφορουν παντα τρεχουν πιο γρηγορα απο σενα, τους πρωτους-πρωτους αγγελιαφορους θα επρεπε να ειχες σταματησει, αλλα εσυ αντιθετα τους εκανες τοπο να περασουν, αυτοι που τωρα σε ξεπερνουν δε μεταφερουν παρα ασημαντα επικουρικα μυνηματα, δε μπορεις να κανεις τιποτα πια, αφηνεις λοιπον την ταχυτητα σου να σε παρασυρει, ειναι το πιο σοφο, ισωσ οι αποφασεις δεν ειναι και τοσο σκληρες, αλλωστε το μαστιγιο ειναι γνωστο απο παλια πως ευκολα κανεις το συνηθιζει, γρηγορα δε μπορεις να κανεις χωρις αυτο, με ευγνωμοσυνη φιλας το χερι που δε σε ξεχνα στη μοιρασια, κι επειτα στο κατω-κατω δικοι σου ανθρωποι ειναι, σχεδον μαζι μεγαλωσατε, λοιπον...adieu."
-me sugxwreite, amartanw)
amartanw thn ompr-
ELA kan-ontas mpastouni, vr-
EXONTAS sto pani´h sta m-
ATI- a mou tis istories, aprostateutes
MAZI ki ades-
POTE- s opw-
S TO- n taxu-
DROMO ´h eme-
NA me skalismena ta
MHN- umata ki aparaviasta, omws akoma den e-
PEIS- thkan
Monday, November 22, 2004
Pai/zw (i pe-hwris to 'n' ma skandalothirikos ekei,
here christo- zw) still akoma mes to chaos twn vivliwn. Me tin vrohi kai tin skoni, ton aera kai tin anpnoi sou. Xeskonizw ton
Imero kai Klinopali (me iwta) pou mou thymizoun oi grafes, oi engraphes, ta simadia, ta stigmata, to
...opois mporei na ginei airesi me to pathos tou, ayto akrivws to dikaiwma diekdikei. Tin anarhia tis mi anagwgis. Kai i dynamiki exodos apo tin taxi tou eidous, pou apotolma o imeros, dei einai para mia viaii apostasi apo ta katasiha tis anagwgis.
To eidos epidehetai exigiseis. To atomo omws ohi. To prwto einai i panishyri kai tyfli anagkaiotita. To deftero mia eklampsi tis tyhis. Kai to pathos mas gia to thayma i to skandalo tis atomikotitas einai kammia fora toso sfodro, wste tou afierwnomaste me apognwsi. Prokeitai gia mia afosiwsi pou den ehei na kanei me eirinikes sheseis - ousiastika synepagetai tin eleyftheria tou erasti na vaptistei sto mesa tou skoteino fws, wthwntas ta aisthimata ws to apolyto//pafsi telefonou
To egw einai i lysi apelpisias pou epinoise i merikotita. Eimai egw - omoiws me olous kai diaforetikos apo tous pantes. Ara tipota den me stegazei. Oute kan i ousia anthrwpos, pou, epidi katehei tin ishy, den ehei proswpo alla daimoniki proswpida. O erwtas tha eihe asfaleis synepeies mono an aforouse sto arren kai sto thyli en genei. Apo tin stigmi omws pou enwnei atoma, i katastrofi einai anapodrasti. Den yparhei perasma apo to kath' ekaston sto eidos.Kai palioimerologitika syn/plirwnei me ton arithmo perasmenwn ilikiwn, me JOY(ce):
Kalytera na peraseis tharallea ston allo kosmo, otan eisai sto apogeio enos pathous, para na svineis kai na marainesai thlivera me ta hronia.Dublin(')Nico
pou ws pou? (pentzikis + psixaris)
pou eperimena to leoforio to 12 (beeston je university campus)
pou en irte potte -
pou-thena! ws
pou je epiasa to 35 (bullwell)
pou na men to epianna
(12 je 35 en 47 par
je irte mou (demetri) o
pentzikispou sou elalousa
pou na men mou erketoun
(pou na ton eftanen!)
Sunday, November 21, 2004
ma, theleis na peis - pws?
apogeuma, me to krasi ap'to epses, saxtouris:
Κόκκινο φεγγάρι
ούρλιαζε δεμένο
σα σφαγμένο βόδι(...)
και το φεγγάρι είναι ένα πράσινο φανάρι
γεμάτο οινόπνευμα...
ystera, kafes pikros, sta skalopatia, me (ton) seferi ke (ton) darrell:
There was a young lady called Bright (Φωτεινή)
who ran much faster than light
so that, instead of coming she went! meta (ke otan) manos loizos/empeirikos:
Ε- Τι είναι το κόκκινο χρώμα;
'Ενα χαστούκι από παπαρούνες.
Ε-Τι είναι η ποίηση;
Συνουσία επ' άπειρον.
Prepei kapoios na milisei gia ta solo caffeinis kai ta heimwniatika tsigara, gia ta treia dwmatia kai ta efta shots, prepei kapois na milisei diladi na diavasei diladi na grapsei gia ton heimwna tou apogevmatos kai ta idrwmena deipna mas, prepei kapoios na afisei na eishorisoun diladina ekreysoun oi fysalides kai oi paranyhides pou mas perivalloun gia na men mas parei o thkiaolos jai na mas sikwsei oulous da
da, akoute re
Apousiazei oi poiesi kai zei oi kathimerinotita mas poietika me monadiko antihtypo ton ponokefalo kai to hamogelo. Den mporw pia na gyrizw pisw sta vivlia kai na milw se trito enoiko.
please open the curtainsUn-metaphorically dialdi entos kai ohi enanti
a kai onomastika. We have the kane, that is the stick. Gimme a carrot!
You've seen too many films, you've read too many playsTemp(.) it (k)now
*Grafw esti oligolekta kai thravsmatika, sto kryo tou noemvri, another untitled, notes twn daktylwn, mehri ton dekemvri kai tin elpida pou trefw.
Empros tis hwras oi lymenoi.... Xorkizw kai orkizomai etsi sto an/hohoho/s mou.
Saturday, November 20, 2004
An to simera xekina apo to htes, tote tha kratisw to agrio vlemma sou kai ta dakrya mas, ta salia mas stin apousia sou, kai tin ypovathmismeni thesi tis caffeinis stin therapia tis maniokatathlipsis kai tis melan/holias.
Efharistw tin hari ki apologoume lypimenos pou kratisa tous karpous sou.
Wish you were and then again may
-w mai, my!-
hereAnd even, rightly so, the morning messenger refuses the part, as well as the role of the educator, now post-Benjaminianly where is the translator to be found?
In case, pou lalei jai o Kwstis o arfos mou of earthquake fire or flood.
Thursday, November 18, 2004
11:48 com/plex-i-on | To symplegma twn 11:48
Prolamvanwnontas to pisogyrisma, to klosma, zevgari + crowd, koino, stuck in the middle with you, mouhrwnontas to roz mias enarktirias vdomadas metrias alkoolis, ypermegethwn dakrywn -an einai pote dynaton post-p(i)m/ply- ximerwmatwn kai apogevmatwn, deipnwn kai xypniwn, tis myrwdias tou patrikou fthinoporou kai tou freskou vivliou, prwto mina hwris
tu, yet again footnoted, appendixed i teleti tou unpasteurised sta matia, sta myala and at our so(u)les, blobing bobing blogs, passengers tou enaeriou patimatos kai tou anisihou protovgaltou potiriou, tis vrohis, tou kryou kai tou kouvalitou simulacrum iliou, m' ompreles ma kai hwris, palio-mariners,
e symplwrites, 11
Arnoume tin teleia,
Kai epitrepw ston tono na paei diakopes me ta delfinia.
As mou epistrafei i osfrisi tou pollaplou kai to iwdio tou opa/u
10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1,
selida evrethin kommeni mes to vivlio
Kino to lipsano pou fitepses ston kipo sou ton allo xrono,
arxise na vlasteni; Pes mou, th' anthisi efeto;come, that I may
kiss you my
dark hair
turn off the
that my heart
come to the
window girl
of glass
that I may watch
thy semolina faceela sto parathiri
xrisomallousa mou
akousa pou traoudas
hava xaroumeno
Monday, November 15, 2004
Epistrophe (neither Theloniusly, nor Haroldly)
kalo/ston D(errida).
extes to piato mou itan psomi - en o iasonas pou to epathen touto, oksa o odysseas?
there was nothing epic about it... nomizw. fisika, opws eipa jai prin, enna grafoun yia mas. yia ta tirka, ta 3.41's, tes hobless mbires jai to koloxarto mas. as ton brecht me to epic theatro, as ton omiro, extes itan alithino epic-ness. or am i confusing it with decadence?
yesterday, i tapdanced and stuck my foot in a mop bucket. i experienced intellectual cluelessness. OH my God!! You Tooo???
Jai simera, kamnw mian Benjaminiki praksi.
unpacking the library.
ase, enna kamw dialima. enna paw na faw tes shokolates mou. Grazie Mille dem. e'nartw se lio yia na kamw sanouits.
so you don't like all the aphorisms? that's alright, I don't like all of you.
Saturday, November 06, 2004
Min spatalas tin pnoi pou sou harise / touti i anasa G. Seferis 'Therino Iliostasi'
Tuesday, November 02, 2004
mat(i-A)O-!-theu/o [D/Tanke x2] OR 69 c-d
(...)to meta touto thniton swma afti perietorneysan ohima te pan to swma edosan allo te eidos en aytw psyches proswdokomoun to thniton, deina kai anagkai en eaytw pathimata ehon, prwton men idonin, megiston kakou delear, epeita lypas, agathwn fygas, eti d' aytou tharros kai fovon, afrone symvoulw, elpida d' eyparagwgon, aisthisei de alogwkai epiheiriti pantos erwti sygkekerasmenoi tayta, anagkaiws to thniton genos synethesan.(...)isthmon kai oron dioikodomisantes tis te kefali kai tou stithous, ayhena metaxy tithentes, in eie chwris.
Se Plus
Mou // E aMMA P(O)IA
je gio
Permanently in space that is anywhere here
While I am I,
I am temporarily
Always now. (+)
Is it possible to use for the thing the image which may not completely describe the thing?While you are @ IT go, google
Etant Donnes, 1946-66
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