A kind of a "dangerous supplement", marked, scarred on a body, post-orgasmically, always, already in anticipation of (a) crisis OR for a desert avec 'agape'. Mindb(l)ogg(l)ing Noise. "Avalanche, would you share my last pursuit?" (Baudelaire)
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
episis dierotoume an sti kipro i 'politiki satira' litourgi os kapiou idous nostalgikos thrinos gia to makario
thkiavazontas ton parmenidi tou platona, dierotoume an ixan je jino ton jero speed. i x: o geros parmenidis en san na grafi techno beatakia me jines tes epanalipsis (apokrinounte tou me stathero old skool piskalisma). chorefkontas n-1(ipen mas to je touton se kapia fasi, para footnote assen je simulation diladi), sta 1 BPM where M=moment. dierotoume ti na simenei touti i auto-anairesi ek merous tou Platona, je pia i sxesi tis me ton akinito choro pou tin akolouthei. en apla akoma mia ekfrasi fasismou pou ton platona, o opios aposiri to fos pou sinithos perilouei tous dialogous tou (akoma je tous mithous tou, aise tora pos mashete o derrida-jinos epinne pharmaka allon), je stin katarrefsi tis theorias ton ideon ftanni se kapiou idous pithagoreio (eleatiko) mystikismo je pou na katsis na katalavis? giati lali se kapia fasi oti me jina ta 4 epixeirimata katarreei i dialextiki, katarrei i metafora tou iliou. i mipos etsi antimetopizi tin apotychia? en kapiou idous prosokratikos nevrikos klonismos?
Pre-Face: Cramped as they are for working space
"To start with, the marginal position should not be mistaken for plain dissent, which in terms of 'stance' or 'posture' often merely inverts what it dissents from, and re-institutionalises; nor does the margin involve secession (or even countenance it). Margin dwellers are balancers, contributory yet withdrawn. Bridges may be built there, or ropes thrown across, though more often, connections are merely pointed to; alternatives weighed and canvassed; sources noted. The line that divides the margin from the text is more than one of address and identity - there is usually an economic barrier - but it is wise to remember that the margin needs its text. Forgetful of this a margin is apt to become a chasm. (...)Recognisably the expertise of a marginal is apt to be narrow but deep; a feaure that suits their habitat; but of course when the marginals find the text wholly unacceptable they will tend to develop their own purssuits in some depth, cramped as they are for working space. On the other hand a margin's interactive function - even if temporarily suspended- is actually a saving grace. The margin does not hesitate to foray into the text when its offerings otherwise go unheeded, or when food is scarce. There can even be frivolity, and an exchange of artifacts."
Norman Potter, Models & Constructs, Hyphen Press, 1990
harking back; or rewriting ombion
Είχαμεν μιαν συζήτηση παλιά… για πατάτες τζαι tseliot.
Εν τζαίρος, νομίζω, για συζητήσεις πάλε. Οϊ επέα πτερεοντα, οϊ καφέν ποτζεί ποδά, Monmouth ή coffeeway, αλλά δαμέ. In this space, to talk about one space overlapping another.
Have you read any good books lately? nonononono. λάθος, σόρρι.
I think I want tο talk about marginal writings, cryptographies, about text that pushes you out, or pulls you out, before dunking you back in. from a waste land like footnote, to a how to read a Howe poem. Margins, limits, borders, let the expulsion and propulsion of our multipersoned theory begin here, again. We always did like the here and now.Fie on post colonialism and gender studies (puh). Let’s talk about potatoes in the oven that are always (al)ready before the souvla.
Ούλλοι μας ξέρουμεν που μαγειρική. Θκιαλέξετε τα μπαχαρικά σας τζαι αρκέφκουμεν.
To ypoloipo?
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
a dilemma
19,000 a yr (income)
7 years (7? 7?)
somewhere in NJ
oh do not ask 'what is it?'
let us go and make our visit
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Saturday, February 24, 2007
and none of this can I say (because feeling is like the sky, seen nothing in it to see)
2. apofasisa na spoudasw filosofia je oi cinema sto telos epeidi mian mera pou imoun dimotiko je ekathoumoun panw sto pagkoui me to jean sakaki mou pou ishe mian terastia PINK FLOYD stampa pisw, eskeftika oti jinoi pou spoudazoun filosofia en pio eksipnoi pou jinous pou spoudazoun film (twra katanow poso adais imoun)
3. sixnazw sto dimotiko sxoleio agiou antrea, tes parapanw meres tis zwis mou jiame tes eperasa. paw pou ton jero pou imoun 5 - stin arxi epezame me tous gonious mas, meta epezame ppirilia je pektes maniodws, meta epezame mpasket oulli mera pou tes 2 ws tes 8 ti nixta, meta epezame pale ppirilia, meta ekathoumastan sta pagkakia (epintosame 6 mazi, 4 gia na kathese je 2 gia na valeis ta pothkia sou panw) je eftiname je ekapnizame maniodws (i leksi mania teriazei dame). epezame je commandos, je 'vres to podilato malaka' (ehoname to podilato kapiou, mian fora evalame to pas tin taratsa je jinos pou epie na to ferei eppese mesa stin taksi poukatw), tes nixtes ekolimpousame kolimvitirio je epinname prama. opws oullous tis geitonias ekama je gw fasi pisw pou tin kattina je meta eipa se oullous tin istoria. enixerw giati milw ston aoristo, akoma paw.
4. enan kalojeri (an den apatome) ishe barbeque sto english school je epiame; entithikame hippies me ton kwsti (opws ekamname jino ton jero) je epiame. eperipezan mas oulloi, kapios pareas tou arfou mou eipe mou 'prepei na se valoun se giala je na se meletisoun esena' je meta ekatsame panw sta skalia me ton kwsti. jini tin mera eipe mou 're..tou xronou enna imaste 5i taksi..je tou allou xronou enna imaste 6..taksi..je meta 7i taksi'. pou tote arkepsa na katalavenw to linearity tou xronou.
5. areskei mou akoma o leivaditis je o kazantzakis, je o metafrasmenos baudelaire, areskei mou o seferis pio polla pou ton eliti, dkiavazw tin epifillida tou giannara, ehw vivlia tou zourari alla diafwnw sxedon me oulla pou laloun (areskei mou i glwssa tous), opws mou areskei je o boris johnson. wres wres simfwnw me ta aphorisms tou t.s. eliot je grafw ta je vallw ta panw ston toixo mou, akoma pisteukw oti to waste land en to kallitero poiima. alla areskei mou je o neruda je o pessoa je o montis je o hughes je o karouzos. nevriazoun me osoi laloun oti i aggliki glwssa en kleisti epeidi en edkiavasan shakespeare oute coleridge oute milton. Of.
five short and sweet
2) i can read roald dahl, calvin and hobbes, and michael rosen over and over and over. they are the basis from which my love of literature grew.
3) klano polla sixna, alla eimai siouri oti jai seis klanete polla sixna.
4) ama gnorizo kapion yia 1h fora skeftome se pontous. p.x. eshei terastia vammena nishia me svarovsky pramatouthkia pano? -20 pontous. Paizei mousiko organo? +10. Forei campers? +10 Gela? +15. en gela? -1000 and so on and so forth.
5) eperasa mian fasi opou en eforousa esorouxa yia kanena thkio mines epidi evriska ta polla kourastika.
Friday, February 23, 2007
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Arkouontas + ena daniko pou t' axtapoin (updated)
2. Eixa proponites sta tsiko tis omonoias ton Kritwni + ton Antwnaki Tsiaklis + simpaixtei gia ena feggari ton Stathi Alwnefti. O Kritwneis pou mou ekamne proponisi sto gipedo tou gimnasiou tis akropolis epethane. O Alwneftis pezei stin Larissa. O Antwnakis Tsiaklis, pou mou ekamne proponisei sto gipedo tou keravnou eishe ena prasino taxi. Fantazoumai eshiei to akoma kai kamnei ton ta3itzi. O aderfoteknos tou [savvas tsiaklis] epe3e ena feggari stin omonia right wing, meta epie ston Olympiako Lefkwsias + ekame kariera gia kapia xronia. Twra en xasimios - en eimai siouros an eparetise i an pezei stin Elia Lythrodonta pou proponei o Giannos Kalotheou pou epeze pallia stin omonoia. O arfos tou Giannou, o Kwstas, efae mia ilitheia kotsini se ena match tou kipellou me tin salamina an thimoumai kala to 1996/7. Pou tote nomizw en e3anaepe3e. Ena apogevma tou 1993, to amesws epomeno savvato pou epethane o E3adaxtilos se troxaio panw stin kenedy, efamen tes pou ton ethniko axnas sto dasaki 4-2 (an thimoumai kala). Eixa to kastro ton lego steimeno + eimoun polla perifanos. Ekama to shillia kommathkia pou ta nevra mou. Otan to 1998 o Rauffmann exase to penalty + irtame 2-2 me tin anorthwsi + kat' epektasi exasame to prwtathlima itan i teleftea fora pou eklapsa gia tin omonoia, liwma xame panw sta kougrkia tou Makariou.
3.To savvato 18 Iouniou 2005 eperasa sxedon oullin tin nixta stis oxthes tou potamou Liffey sto Douvlino. Oulloi 3eroun oti en 3exanw imerominies. Eimoun me ton xristo, o dimitris eishe paei na tsimithei sto 3enodoxeio tou sto Parnell sq. Apofasisame oti eimaste ston lathos topo me lathos athrwpous. Pou tote ekamame polles lathos touristikes e3wrmiseis, gia tous lathos skopous, me ta lathos atoma. (verolino, nottingham, elsinki, londino, cambridge, meneou). To lathos en oti allo lioun en na rwtoume tziai tous tziroues mas, ee ton tziri mou, e ton tziri sou. I tsini i tin epomeni nixta ekatali3ame se ena tairasteio bar pou itan simulation tis zouglas - itan vasika i zougla aftoproswpos. I tsini i tin epomeni nixta epiame se ena pseftorwssiko bar, pale tairastio + kati epie lathos. Nomizw paroligon na mas deroun alla en thimoumai. Mia alli nixta se mia alli poli ekatali3ame se ena gay bar. Efiame vouritoi opws fefkoume panta pou tin lemeso. Eftixws twra ekaman tis aerogefires + pernas gliora. Etsi tziai alliws estamatisa na fkenw pou ta sinora tis Laikis trapezas eshiei arketo tziairo. Oti en na kamw e3w pou tin lefkwsia kamnw to stin poreia pou i pros to aerodromio. Akoma perimenw tsini tin stigmi pou en na eimai officially ESOBGA + en na exw to triko tilimeno sto laimo. To kalotziairi egorasa mple + kitrino rige poukamiso marimekko. Ta alla en na ertoun siga siga
4. Exw provlima me tous kalitexnes. En eknevristikoi (oi pleistoi) + sinithws vrwmoun, En mporw na fantastw ton eafto mou na shiezei stin idia toualetta me kallitexni + as anagkastika na to kamw pou eimoun pio neos. Ekama lathos epilogi pou ekama kales texnes. Eprepe na ginw dikigoros. Twra prospathw na ta sasw + na ginw preixtis. Mallon to ptixeio pou en na piasw en na lalei oti eimai theoritikos. Vasika pou tsino to prama pou me mathimatiki akriveia sta pente xronia kataligeis xwris filous extos pou 5-6 ombiouxous asexual pou vriskoun endiaferoun to oti se mia efimerida eshiei arthro gia to oti o antras thelei 2.5 lepta + i gineka 13 na teleiwsei i gia to oti se ena giapwneziko estiatorio sto Londino o maeiras en pou to perou (enen polla endiaferon?) + sta 60 tous exoun meis stous karpous tous pou tis perittes kiniseis pou kamnoun me ta shierka tous otan miloun. Eknevrizei me i le3i interesting epeidi xrisimopoieitai averta kouverta sanna tziai paei asorti me oulla ta politismika gegonota (eishes tziai sto xwrko sou orientalism? e skase kalo!). Prwteimo shillies fores ton Nikola Gewrgiou pou stis 3 le3eis tou i mia en "sigoura". Episis oi feministries einai mega miasma, mastiga. An tis seireis mesa sto lakko en na sou tis seirei o lakkos pisw. Mia fora, o antreas nikolaou ttenekkes tou petrolaou pou eminiske apenanti mou ws kapia ilikeia eppese mesa sto vothro epeidi to kappatsi en itan flash varmeno. Meta e3anaeppese allo mia fora. (en nomizw na edkievase potte beckett) Twra apo oti akousa kamnei ton dj sta sfinakia. Tziai toutos epeze stin omonoia alla edwsan ton me iposxetiki se mia alli omada. Eni 3erw se pia.
5.Miniskw sto Elsinki. Ekatestrwsa to kallitero sxedio gia na kleisw tin NASA alla pollis kosmos nomizei oti peripezw ton. Gia osous theloun parapanw pliroforeis na sas steilw ta blueprints
the rest of the ombiouxoi, come along
Τα νευρα μου τεντωμενα χωρις ακροβατες η τσαμαρελλα
Letter from America
When it comes to enclosed spaces in New York City there must be an aural conspiracy aiming to disensitized the listener and subsequently provoke and nurture the viewer. The 'one who sees' ["Do you see?"]. For what other reason would one play John Coltrane's "A Love Supreme" in a personal shopping area of an upmarket shop, why would Depche Mode's "Enjoy The Silence" be blasting out of a chaotic discount store's sound system, and why is the near- ambient music of a self proclaimed "Bistrot a Vins" - with, admitedly, an impressive wine list- be Milli Vanilli?
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
1. Latrevw to kougrin, to tsimento. I kokometrisi jai ta kalloupia get my juices going. I afi tou tsimentou, i myrwthkia tou potizmenou koungriou, i opsi enos cast-concrete ktiriou, estw kai to synapantima me ena kommati spasmenou tsimentou sto dromo en gia mena paromia me tin aisthisi pou afinei ena kalosiderwmeno poukamiso pou tous Turnbull and Asser, me tin ikanopioisi tis prwtis foras pou foreis ena kainourgio, bespoke 3-piece koustoumi meta pou 3-4 proves, tin gefsi enos Crozier Blue, i akoma kalytera ti gefsi tou teliou rare roast beef pou ethkialexes jai egorases ws kommati pou ton kasapi, etripses to kala kala, esases to jai twra, sto stoma, niwtheis akrivws jeino pou thwreis - me tin prwti yli monaha elafrws kai skillfully diaforopoiimeni.
2. Gia ta 19a gennethlia mou epia Amsterdam me tin tote fili mou. Ehwntas idi kapnisei arketo skank, epinasamen - jai anti na famen fai efamen pou enan megalo komati siokolatina me hashish. Agorasame kai manitaria kai xekinisame na pame pisw sto xenodoheio. Sto dromo i tote fili mou arhise na paranoei, na nomizei oti akouei kappoio na tis fwnazei to onoma tis kai panikovalete. Mpainoumee se ena katastima me nutrition supplements gia na zitisoume liogo nero i ligo hymo. Kapou jame arhisa na niwthw oti eiha xefygei pou to hrono - oti o hronos den prohorouse enw egw nai. Arhisa na niwthw oti ehw soustes sta pothkia mou jaI oti den perpatousa apla alla kinomoun me mikres ektoxefseis apo to simeio A sto simeio B. Tote arhisa kai egw na panikovaloume oti tha kaw opws ton Afxentiou (megali istoria i fovia mou me to Afxentiou - alli fora). O typos sto katastima ivre mas taxi gia na mas parei sto nosokomeio. O taxitzis Tourkos. Pame sto nosokomeio kai i porta itan gyalini aftomati. Kapws, to sensor tis portas den mas epiase oute ton ena oute ton allo. I porta den anoiei jai meis liwma. Panikos! Ktypoume ta jamia kai prospathoume na tous poume na mas anoixoun. Ekeinoi - giatroi kai nosokomes - na mas len me noimata na pame pio pisw kai meis na nomizoume oti mas diwhnoun. Telika anoigei i porta kai mpainoume sto pio isiho A&E tou kosmou. Emeis, fwnes kako parakalia na mas voithisoun na min pathoume kako. O giatros na mas leei mpeite sto tade dwmatio kai erhomai. Mpainoume ki eki vlepw ena roloi. Xananikw to hrono. Den thelw allo na nikw to hrono. Xaplwnw kai thelw na zitisw sygnwmi apo to hrono. Kai opws xaplwnw nomizw pws katevenei to tavani me mathimatiki akriveia kai me plakwnei. Ektinasome - afou akoma ehw soustes- kai trehw sto giatro. Prospathw na tou exigisw oti den thelw na nikw to hrono kai oti an den stamatisw na kinoume me mikres ektoxefseis tha kaw opws ton afxentiou. O giatros lalei mou, nevriasmenos: "You wanted to fly. So fly." Kai mou dinei dyo hapakia. Paw pisw sto dwmatio kai koimoume - opws kai i tote fili mou- mehri ta haramata, opotan kai mas xypnoun gia na mas diwxoun na pame sto xenodoheio. Ston ypno mou eida ton Griva mesa se ena Morris Minor Traveller prasino, fully restored, me tin karythkia na lampei, na me voura pou pisw kapou sta vouna. En me epiase pote.
3. Ekama mazi me ton Oresti to 1997 i 1998 fully functional kazanti to opoio epirame se diaforous hwrous, kyriws sto 35-33. Etsi pramata ekama polla (tie-dye t-shirts stand stin Agia Napa, soup kitchen sti Lefkwsia, taverna sto Londino, psarotaverna panw stin taratsa tou ktiriou tis SPEL stin Lefkwsia). Kapws panta se oula touta en nekatomenos jai o Orestis (alla oi monon o Orestis).
4. Pou to 2000 (peripou to Marti) ews kai to 2001 (peripou to Niovri) imoun officially anorexikos. Epasha dialdi pou anorexia nervosa. Pou 70kg eftasa mehri kai ta 41kg. Den epia omws pote oute se giatro oute se nosokomeio - ektos pou tin psychoterapeftria mou. Otan exanarhisa na trww pou ta prwta prwta pramata pou efaa itan John Dory gemisto me spiced couscous kai horta me brandy buter sto fourno. Emairepsa to egw.
5. Ehw para polla vivlia. Tin teleftaia fora pou ta emetrsa efkainan gyrw stis 3000 (treis hiliades). Twra prepei na eimaste stis 3200. En na eiha parapanw alla ta teleftaia 5 hronia emetakomisa 7 fores jai en megalo anhos na esheis ta vivlia sou mesa se kasies pou hwra se hwra. Touto to anhos kapou, nomizw, epiraxen me jai etravisa lio pisw. Ta agapw kai m' agapoun ta vivlia mou. Spania danizw. Polla spania kai mono se polla kalous mou filous pou xerw oti jai jeinoi agapoun vivlia me ton tropo tous - jai pou xeroun tin pellara mou. Pou oula tous omws mporw na thkiavazw sineheia mallon to Aporias tou Derrida, ta Peri Methis kai Imeros kai Klinopali tou Papagiwrgi, tous tomous me ta Collected Writings tou Benjamin jai ta lexika.
Fkalw sentra stous symplwrites ombiouhous, ston Loxia, ston DJ Mago, ston Antraia kai ston lexi_penitas.
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Requiem for Makarios: Sketch II (If fall you mast)
A procession of women from epitaph choirs throughout the island tied together in chains walk to the tunnel beneath the archbishop's palace [the one that leads to the Pankyprion]. Choosing an arbitrary pitch to begin with, they repeat 'Zei' [tempo ad lib between adagio and andante, fortissimo], transposing, at the end of each syllable, by choosing at the end of each syllable to either add to or subtract from the initial pitch, sequentially, 1, 9, 7 and 4 semi or quarter tones. The statue is thrown down in the direction of the tunnel. If the first attempt fails to punch a hole into the tunnel, the statue is to be raised and thrown down again, until it is successful or until its fragments exceed the current (at the time of the performance) number of soldiers present on the island. If it is successful, the women will be drawn upwards through the hole by war heros bearing arms. If not, the crowd gathered will carry the scattered remains of the statue in a procession (accompanied by the choir women who will emerge from the archbishop's palace) to the sea of Kerynia, where they will be scattered.
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Gertrude Stein is sitting at a desk, her tongue sticking out of her mouth, writing furiously and muttering. Enter Hilda Doolittle.
HD: Hey Gert, whatcha doing?
GS: Oh you know… just trying to get the thing-ness of the thing. I think the secret has to do with the overuse of the verb ‘to be’ in repetitive mode… (continues to write furiously)
HD: I’m in love! I met this dreamy young man. His name is Ezra and he calls me his little “Imagist”!
GS: (snorts) Love?! (Pause). Love.. hmm.. love… I love my love with a c… no. no.. with a z. no.. I love my love with a p…
(Enter Mina Loy)
HD: Hi Mina!
ML: Fuck you.
GS: Fuck… fork.. fork potatoes. Potatoes.. Mean potatoes. Mean. Potatoes…
ML: all your pet illusions will be unmasked, Curie.
GS: Oh! (pauses in her mutterings).
HD: (dreamily) Sometimes, when we make love, he calls me Sappho, and I call him my little schoolgirl. And we laugh. Heehee!
(Mina goes to leave)
Where are you going?
ML: To destroy the futurists and their stupid little manifestoes.
HD: (sighs). Well I’m going to go pick roses for Ezra and read some Pindar in the moonlight while he translates chinese ideograms.
(skips away)
GS: Roses.. hmm.. rose.. is a….
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Sunday, February 11, 2007
On the use and abuse of fancy Lacanian and Derridian terms for 11 year old spit fights
" F.L.A.: Do you think this be a more useful tool--rather than, say, a self/other model--to understand ourselves in the world?
H.W.: So, rather than talk about self and other the idea of garbage or shit or excresence--and it seems one wants to think about are the etymology of these terms, and what we're really talking about here--the prime metaphor is feces and waste products of the body that really give the idea some kind of emotional charge. So that, garbage sort of distances it from the wish fulfillment fantasies and anxieties that really motivate our interest in garbage, which really has to do with the way the body is reconstituted:the healthy body, the unhealthy body and so forth. How you get rid of cancer cells, for example. How do you flush impurities. You know, you get all these natural food freaks that think that if they eat whole grains and honey [laughs], you know, that they can purify their body in some kind of spiritual way. And, therefore, get taken in by the organic food industry. [laughs]Spa fitness. And body building again. I mean it turns into an industry all over again.
F.L.A.: They have coffee enemas?
H.W.: [laughs]Yeah, well this is kind like gourmet enemas, right?[laughs] "from an interview with Hayden White
Saturday, February 10, 2007
Thanks. Apla pramata.
Xanakentrare. San tin efhi stin tarta.
Friday, February 09, 2007
H.B. (ena lepto na sasw to papiyion mou tz' airkoume)
Big master, Happy Birthday. And then he said Alien Artists, and then he said Athinaion, and then he said 24/7, and then he said Kapetanios, and then he said 3Tria, and then he said never mind I'll just go to New Division for a drink. And then he said, let's go then. (and he felt asleep outside Mirapella)
O Ombion Mastros Zei
fae kala.
pie kala.
taksidepse kala.
na zisis.
(en exw kamian kalin fotografia sou yia na se rezilepsw, extos, fisika, pou toutin)
Thursday, February 08, 2007
The 8th task of Asterix

Nai, geia sas, thelw mian forma yia eksousiodotisi ektonolistwn.
"A; en iksero mana mou. Froso, pou na pai i korou yia na piaei forma yia.. pws to eipes mana mou;"
Froso: "Pienne panw ston 2o orofo. Jame enna kserousin."
Pano.. "Forma; en jai exoumen formes dame. Twra na dw, Kuria Xristina, voithas tin korou, thelei mian forma. Exoumen formes dame?;
Kuria Xristina: "Estiles kati? Pothen? Londino? Espoudazes Londino diladi? Inta douleia kamnei o papas sou; ... Twra na piasw tilefono katw stes apothikes ampa jai mporoun na se voithisoun. Kostantino; Poioi en katw mazi sou; A.. O kurios antreas; Oi; Kala. Oi oi entaksi.... Mana mou pienne apenanti, opws vlepis tes skales, pienne ishia, oi mana mou, oi sto pparking, jame sto xtirio lalw sou, jai pienne ishia, sto diadromo, jai zita tin Xriso."
Sto diadromo: "En deksia i Xriso"
Deksia: "Oi oi en apenanti i Xriso"
Apenanti "Oi mana mou, i Xriso en me adeia..."
Pinter Silence.
"en yia douleia pou tin xriazese oksa en prosopiko; A! E ela kalo, theleis jini tin forma, Maria voitha tin korou me tin forma"
Maria: "Orea. Esheis xartosima tis mias liras;"
"Aaa.. ee.. xriazese to xartosima. en mporw na se voithisw signwmi. ela pisw aurio"
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
Etsi Welcome
"London has become one of the dearest cities in the world, and the young and the middle classes working outside financial services find it even harder to get a foothold."
The Economist, Volume 382, Number 8514, February 3rd - 9th 2007, Special Report: Britannia Redux, p.7
Why one should go shopping instead of shows
+ Have you heart the news? There is actually good (without quotation marks) art and bad (without quotation marks) art. And no, no, no, that is not about subjectivity - that old post-structuralist open-text - back slash - open-field -back slash - open-interpredation - back slash - fluidity back slash - the death of authors, their ressurection and so on and so forth joke is no joke anymore after it has been uttered for forty-so years (yes, I know, we all have a reply to this, we have all read (quote) Difference and Repetition (unquote). No, no, no, here when I say good (without quotation marks) I mean good in the object. But don't ask me, ask it.
*Berlin is not such a bad (without quotation marks) city, after all. I mean for shopping. As for art - ASTON KLASTON COMPANY LIMITED (pardon)
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
time for a poem
Why I Am Not a Painter
I am not a painter, I am a poet.
Why? I think I would rather be
a painter, but I am not. Well,
for instance, Mike Goldberg
is starting a painting. I drop in.
"Sit down and have a drink" he
says. I drink; we drink. I look
up. "You have SARDINES in it."
"Yes, it needed something there."
"Oh." I go and the days go by
and I drop in again. The painting
is going on, and I go, and the days
go by. I drop in. The painting is
finished. "Where's SARDINES?"
All that's left is just
letters, "It was too much," Mike says.
But me? One day I am thinking of
a color: orange. I write a line
about orange. Pretty soon it is a
whole page of words, not lines.
Then another page. There should be
so much more, not of orange, of
words, of how terrible orange is
and life. Days go by. It is even in
prose, I am a real poet. My poem
is finished and I haven't mentioned
orange yet. It's twelve poems, I call
it ORANGES. And one day in a gallery
I see Mike's painting, called SARDINES.
Frank O'Hara
Monday, February 05, 2007
Saturday, February 03, 2007
Thursday, February 01, 2007
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